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Everything posted by kaz

  1. That miserable jigaboo really thinks he intelligent and shit with his basic ass thoughts and shit. Yeah, but i don't blame him. If i remember correctly he's the one living in japan and thinks that having friends is some kind of "work" and not necessary.
  2. I'm not an american and i doubt they only talk about them. One thing is clear for me we are just human beings and you find people exactly like you everywhere around the world. Nationality doesn't mean shit.
  3. lmao wtf are you talking about? You are not the only one with a human brain. everyone's quick to say 'aliens!' but rather it's more likely there are other fish and humans, considering that's the genetic make up of this universe. Yes you idiot, i read the whole post and that's what i'm talking about. I don't know if you live out in the woods or something but people take this into consideration hence i told you that you are not the only one with a human brain. The thought is not that absurd in any way. ;) Also i recommend the gantz manga on this.
  4. lmao wtf are you talking about? You are not the only one with a human brain.
  5. I wanna see more pictures of blackice since he got around to pose for us naked. Great work.
  6. looks like you live in africa. they seem to be really friendly people.
  7. I want to see your feet first. I need new fap material. This one picture of you with the girls in it ruined it for me.
  8. If i only could take a glimpse at balballers dick. Then i could die happy.
  9. I have to say you all are boring fucks. I post a retard photo of myself and everything i get to see are lame faggot selfies, where gays try to seduce people on the internet. I will post a normal picture of me soon, but i want some silly pictures in return. Where you didn't know that a picture was taken or you simply look stupid. I mean am i the only one who thinks these are the "real" pictures? :( The only one that doesn't have to is jimbo boner. He is actually the reason why people even register on this site. Jimbo your socks rocks.
  10. what you lmao'ing at. my joke? or balb's pic, or balb's joke. his response to jimbo. fu low, nobody ever removed one of my comments. :(
  11. lmao. I didn't know the picture was taken. I was laughing like a complete retard about some stupid shit. It's called the chinese.
  12. Only because i'm a gay nazi. I even get spanked by nazi pals because i have green eyes.
  13. I chose a picture where i look like a retard so nobody can say that i look like a retard. :tom.
  14. this is probably one pf the best post i read on sw ever.
  15. Never imagined Balbador being glasses type lol Still one of the forum's coolest posters he owns! wow, this is what i imagined, you look a bit like snake, fucking cool! and you guys are right, dude owns.
  16. That reminds me to finish Uncharted 2... i have this game since release but its just boring. Im near the end though, no motivation. Will skip Uncharted 3 eventually.
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