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kaz last won the day on March 2 2023

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About kaz

  • Rank
    infinite consciousness
  • Birthday 1991-06-09

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  • What are you playing
    DOTA 2 forever

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  1. I like that, these mutation visuals make me hard, the direction it shows is no biggie for me, it's not like there is pointer on the thing or some shit. I still had to look at it to know where it goes etc. I didn't have a problem with the hidey parts, just turn off my light and watch the fucker, no idea what you mean
  2. MCLEEEREEEY YOU ARE FIRRIREEIEDI you hear me FRIEIIED i play without subtitles but man, what the fuck are these bean buggers saying sometimes but I agree, it's very good voice acting, the guy you playing acts completely reasonable to everything happening and you can really sense his fear, the heavy breathing etc
  3. i play this on slimepass rn and y'all talking some bullshit lmfao, my pc maxes this out easily not dips or anything, doesn't matter if I use this upscaling garbage, I think its set to unreal ones, don't care FSRR/DISS shit missing game looks really good too, oil rigs are pretty cool. It's not soma-level but I like the game. there is some disturbing shit happening lmfao pretty sure twinbitch and GayDonkey will enjoy this a lot the scariest part so far was witnessing these british delicacies in the canteen in the intro
  4. I don't watch any of those anymore, just a few trailers later. but I'd say sony doesn't need to rely on this shit
  5. I know we be getting a full blown remake of that shite, but since I haven't played it yet I'm hoping for "just" a PC port. I kinda want that OG feeling... probably end up playing it on ps4 like all you poor fuckers
  6. oh fuck, I was hoping it's an easy one and everyone would say just go with steam. I wanted to sell my stupid ak skin in counter strike to buy it LMFAO idiots paying 1k € for a stupid video game rifle skin, absolutely insane hmm will look into it
  7. got a new rig a month ago, this shit is pretty cool. Remij'ing this thing is so much fun. gaytracing can be some amazing shit lol what yo guys recommend for VR? I'm pretty sure I just grab the gabenVR 🌞 uhh where are the smileys AMD Ryzen 5 7600, 6x 3.80GHz 16GB DDR5 RAM 5600 MHz ADATA AMD Radeon RX 7900 GRE - 16GB GIGABYTE A620M H 1000 GB M.2 SSD Kingston NV2
  8. we must invade ukraine and free the people from the nazi scum by killing everyone!
  9. I mastered the moonerang. That shit is a bosskiller holy damn, snatch 3 life mana, deflect perfectly, hitting faster and faster and BOOM. feels like im wearing a hand prosthetic having a malfunction at the end of the skill
  10. yes yes yes, let me hug you just went to the village best game ever made
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