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Everything posted by kaz

  1. bro, the game doesn't even have a double jump!!!
  2. shittiest FPS ever, the rocket launcher needs more ammo!!!! 😲
  3. with love from ukrainiey 😍
  4. I remember i played some gameboy stuff on snes with that said adapter, I'm not sure what actually ran the games though? Not sure if you can call that BC
  5. That's a dope lineup all flops or cancelled the sad thing is I remember the stupid damage control until jon gave up and admitted xbox defeat back then but lemshites always come back crawling out of their holes
  6. Oh ya, I forgot there are difficulty settings, guess I try easy mode next time. I don't like the generator idea either, It's really not my style to play a game in speed mode I like to take my time
  7. I dropped Amnesia: the bunker for now. I tried it twice, and both times I died in such cheap ways and didn't feel like redoin all to get to that part again. man I love amnesia, the lore etc but this time I can't stand it. Same reason I despise Alien Isolation. Scripted events are far better than trying to avoid a gone rogue AI lmfao. If anything hide and seek and running-fleeing-kinda gameplay has to be scripted in my opinion.
  8. Undiscovered: The hidden gender Undiscovered 2: Revenge (B stands for Bloodthirst in LBQT)
  9. i want wolfenstein 3 not a serial killer-indy, the fuck are they thinking
  10. It is but it lacked explanations at the end. I hope Nick gets a role in the sequel like the I hope they pace it around the story this time, not cramp a shitload into the last few chapters
  11. bugs leading to replaying entire levels is the worst what a shame, this game looks kinda cool tho
  12. How so? It will be space-skyrim nothing more and you hate that game too lol
  13. cool dude, good luck and post some vids later, also can you stop pm me these pics of you standing on your bed wearing nothing but driver gloves?
  14. cybernetic creatures vs analog animals, santa clause banani and last one are ok.
  15. they all look kinda cool except the mini golf :kaz: lol so many sad ppl ITT denying the future. volvo made it very clear that VR is the big next thing, and it already is. gaben
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