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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Brogains

  1. If I ever run across you in real life I'm going to fucking choke the shit out of you.
  2. Look at this begging ass nigga. Shut the fuck up and go do some constructive shit with your life. Being a shit mod on a forum is not gonna put money in them tight ass jeans. Get a fucking job and holla at some babes.
  3. seriously dude? no wonder girls run away from you and turn lez You got some nerve. What a fucking hypocrite.
  4. This picture is a disgrace to men everywhere. Nigga just eliminate yourself. It's normal for Haitians to look like that This kid is Hatian? This explains things then. No disprespect, but he probably smells a bit as well. No racism.
  5. This picture is a disgrace to men everywhere. Nigga just eliminate yourself.
  6. Maybe I need to put more time into Bastion. So far I'm not impressed.
  7. Played the hell out of Gatling Gears last night. I highly recommend it. This game totally caught me by surprise. If you're looking for something action packed to play then this is your game. I think it's like 800 retard bucks on XBL and absolutely free for Master racers aka Hermlordians.
  8. I like the Cleveland Browns, The Philadelphia 76ers, THE Ohio State University Football, The Chicago Blackhawks, and I like Serena Williams.
  9. It's a style of shoe made with steel plating manufactured specifically for putting foot in a niggas ass.
  10. http://systemwars.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/Smileys/laugh.gif
  11. Still playing Witcher 2. The unquestionable Game of the Year.
  12. if that's sm10, his intellect didn't develop at all, in fact looks like it got worst You look like the black version of this guy. You have bigger fish to fry than worrying about my intelligence, chump. Go holler at some babes and get out of my face ,Dumbski.
  13. Kid you have gone through a virtual rainbow of responses to my posts in this thread. You went from being a fake ass indifferent douchebag to being a corny sarcastic peon, to a grammar nazi, and now you resort to saying I'm trying to hard. The funny thing is, if you look at this little exchange of ours I've been the only one who has been consistant through out. Not only are you a bottom feeder but you also have some type of identity crisis going on. Listen kid, go practice on someone in your own class before you sep up to the plate against an A class poster such as myself. I've destroyed people
  14. Did this clown actually type out the word "sigh"? How can I take anyone serious who thinks one has to earn respect on a gaming board? I'd kill myself if I had to garner respect from kids who spend all their time arguing about video games and kulling all their information about the world from wikipedia. Grow up and get out of my face, bongo. Dam this dude is ruthless. Come on kid, you trying to be clever or sarcastic seems ackward. Give it up and go back to being the same ananamous poster you've been for years upon years. Even the ocean needs bottom feeders. You're gonna hurt that mound
  15. Why? Because I tear noobs to shreds when the need arises? Or because my jokes are beyond the average newcomers skill level? A yes to either answer equals a loss for you and your compadres.
  16. Did this clown actually type out the word "sigh"? How can I take anyone serious who thinks one has to earn respect on a gaming board? I'd kill myself if I had to garner respect from kids who spend all their time arguing about video games and kulling all their information about the world from wikipedia. Grow up and get out of my face, bongo. Dam this dude is ruthless. Come on kid, you trying to be clever or sarcastic seems ackward. Give it up and go back to being the same ananamous poster you've been for years upon years. Even the ocean needs bottom feeders. You're gonna hurt that mound
  17. Did this clown actually type out the word "sigh"? How can I take anyone serious who thinks one has to earn respect on a gaming board? I'd kill myself if I had to garner respect from kids who spend all their time arguing about video games and kulling all their information about the world from wikipedia. Grow up and get out of my face, bongo.
  18. Expert advice from someone who I can pretty much guarantee is a virgin or a life long loner. This guy has about as much experience with women as he has spent time on mars. 0 If you ever look at me like that again I'll cut that staw you call a kneck from ear to flipping ear. Get out of mty face Who are you calling a noob funnyface? Seriously, you look like some kind of black hippy with too much hair on his face. Your side burns look like something out of a blacksplotations flick. Get it together and get a damn haircut mongloid.
  19. Expert advice from someone who I can pretty much guarantee is a virgin or a life long loner. This guy has about as much experience with women as he has spent time on mars. 0
  20. Easily one of the most finely crafed games ever. Funny thing is, it's most likely going to be the 360s best game of the year.
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