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Posts posted by roflpwnedz

  1. 19 hours ago, Cooke (not admin cant help said:

    lol at the people that are wearing masks with their noses out.. they do realize it only works if it covers your nose AND mouth right? 

    We know and at work it's mostly me and the black people that do it. Cause we can't breathe with that shit on. Plus, it's hot as fuck. :mjcry:

  2. 18 hours ago, jehurey said:

    I know for a fact there was this AOL commercial back in 2001, and it showed people messenging each other, and sharing AOL links like movies and music and shit like that.


    And during that commercial, it shows one user texting another user "HEY have you heard that new song from Lindsay Pageman"


    And this is the song that is playing while that message is being created.




    So its obvious that the commercial is saying that this new song, Everywhere, is from the artist Lindsay Pageman.


    That was early Summer.


    In August of 2001, an album that contains the song Everywhere as its lead single is released under the name of Michelle Branch.


    And then, the very next month...........9/11 happens.


    And when you do google search for Lindsay Pageman............nothing. Youtube search.......nothing.


    Where'd Lindsay Pageman go?


    thanks bing. 


    now explain to us how you didn't have a false memory

  3. 7 year old black girl got killed less than a mile away from where I live in drive by shooting. Now people are coming up with conspiracy theories saying that they are planned killings so that the police doesn't get defunded. But kids and people getting shot up here in the ghetto is a regular occurrence. I'm sick of all these politicians with their bullshit about the masks and sending undercover cops to parking lots to see who takes off the mask after leaving the store but they still don't try to resolve problems in these neighborhoods.

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