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Posts posted by roflpwnedz

  1. 4 hours ago, lynux3 said:

    I have a hard time discerning the difference between 120/144/165, but even going from 60 to 100 is quite noticeable. 

    I know it's normal for there to be diminishing gains as far as how people can notice. But I didn't think it was worth it at all for 75-144hz so I just returned that 1080p monitor and eventually bought this 75hz 1440p one. Resolution is definitely noticeable. 2kto4k not as much though.

  2. 8 hours ago, kokujin said:

    all these sound right. You liked Fall out 4 tho. I remember when vegas and fall out came out side by side. WoW is terrible. Dota is an addiction/i would never align my personality with it.  And Wind Waker is the last Zelda worth playing. 

    I played Fallout 4 but I didn't get that sense of amazement like with new vegas or breath of the wild.  Even The Outer Worlds had me hooked. Fallout 4 became incredibly easy  if you went out and did sidequests. I had to install difficulty mods to even shit out.

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  3. A friend gave me a used and dirty N95 mask. At least I can breathe with it.  The disposable ones at work had me unable to breathe and since i need to wear glasses at work it would always fog them up. It's shit.  So for all those days at work I wouldn't be surprised if these snitches took a picture of me wearing the mask wrong under my nose lol

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