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Posts posted by roflpwnedz

  1. I feel bad for his family, but also the fans. Games and sports can make us forget about the daily struggles but when stuff like this happens it really makes us think about everything else there is in life. For me, when Jose Fernandez died on that boat accident here that killed my enthusiasm in being a baseball/Marlins fan much more than who knows how many losing seasons. And Kobe had a much greater impact on people while alive, so I can just imagine how horrible the fans must feel.

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  2. I was the good looking smart kid that wouldn't talk. My gifted peers made me sick and I preferred to associate with the ghetto hoodrats. I was also the last one to get picked for team sports because I just knew and cared about baseball, and I didn't know how to play the others. I listened to rock and the rockers were like "why don't you dress like a rocker" and I'm like :| 

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  3. 2 hours ago, ghostz said:

    It’s a great game. BOTW is better but the graphics are so good it makes up for the gameplay sometimes, which isn’t often said. I’d get it. You’ll get your monies worth. 

    if Zelda has RDR2 graphics Jesus Christ stop making games we hit the pinnacle 

    That's why BOTW is best on PC B)

  4. 10 hours ago, kokujin said:

    I looked at old pics of rE psx yesterday and lol the nostalgia graphics. It looks all right. can't block those images out of my head tho.  :heh:

    It's worth playing. I started playing it cause of the RE2 Remake hype and I had a blast. If you play it on PSP it won't look that bad lol. I haven't been able to get into the old RE3 . I'll just wait for the remake.



  5. 4 minutes ago, kokujin said:

    $6? lol what's wrong with you. also you're playing katamari and shenmue 3? okay that's really rong. really rong, wong.

    a shared steam account apparently. it would be ok to play with no multiplayer because I don't have friends anyway. 


    i really should be finishing kiwami 2 though. 

  6. I miss the chrome extension that allowed me to block channels on youtube. I wasn't surprised when selecting "not interested" doesn't really work, and instead you just get suggested more of the same kind of crap that has nothing to do with anything you watch. Kind of like how all those "Now This" videos were on facebook and kept getting reposted by people who thought they were smart now. So you basically get leftist crap everywhere. Shitty comedy central comics, same shit on google news.

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