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Posts posted by roflpwnedz

  1. 2 hours ago, kaz said:

    im not a fan of chemicals, I think the hardest drug I ever did was LSD or coke I cant decide :D  but man when I read these stories I really wanna try this

    The vapor and taste is pretty damn good and it's chill. But after that holy shit, does it last. Wide awake an entire day and not even a bit tired. I don't know why people get pleasure out of hitting it again and again and staying up and seeing shadow people and ghosts. How can they even tell if they're high high or just sleep deprived. It also gives you stim dick and it's more of a functional high to study and be productive to be honest. It wasn't very euphoric.  

  2. Yeah, I just kept thinking heath ledger would have done a more convincing job. I mean Joaquin Pheonix did a good enough job....but I felt that if you've ever really suffered from mental issues or seen others, maybe even had a drug induced psychosis that it would just seem like he is trying too hard.

  3. 5 hours ago, Chicano3000 said:



    I call it, "Bocks"...

    I took a photo of a banana peel on the metrobus and people asked me why I would post that. I said it was artistic. They didn't get it.


    Now the idea of a banana duct taped to a wall sells for 150k and they call it art.

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