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Posts posted by roflpwnedz

  1. 1 minute ago, kokujin said:

    i'd never go to one. or comic con. or magic the gathering. it's all smelly ass nerds and gross smelly ass women. fuuck that.


    or adult pornstar cons are pent up smelly ass adults, and hos for hire that know or think they are 10x better than their clients.


    really a sad place. at least the nerds are on the same level/hill of sugar.  

    I feel so out of place at those places. I've been taken to a card shop a few times to try to get into the whole magic the gathering thing. And although playing the game isn't terrible itself, you are completely right about the smell lmao. I remember seeing this fat guy with some dirty shorts there. You know, the kind you wear around the house. You get ketchup, grease, dirt, shit, whatever on them but who cares you're at home. I'm not perfect either, but these people have zero shame looking or smelling like this in public.

    • Haha 1
  2. I remember going to an anime convention and expected there to be at least something of Initial D, Wangan Midnight, or Gundam. There wasn't. That's when I realized they were all gay Naruto nerds and never went again.


    They even set up a ring in the middle where they were larping and fighting with some foam swords. The way they acted when they got hit and died was so fucking cringey I wanted to cry.

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  3. 6 hours ago, The Mother Fucker said:

    Everyone once in a while, perhaps once a year and sometimes once every 2 years or so.  I'll get a dream that I am back at college and in that dream I realize I missed for a few weeks passing that I forgot a class that I was registered for, and thus missed an exam and fearing failing the course.


    I long since graduated college over 10 years ago.  Why do I get these weird college class dreams/nightmares?  :scared:

    It's a common dream. I get it too. Mine is set in middle or high school though. Or that I showed up to elementary in my socks. I think it's cause I had a lot more anxiety about those than college. The worst thing about college was my balding christian rocker roommate, not the classes. Plus, college didn't have the weird A/B schedules. Not that it was ever a problem in reality, but in my dreams it is always a part of the concern. We had like 6 or 7 classes too.

  4. 47 minutes ago, Bodycount N said:

    My favorite skateboarder as a kid was jamie thomas, and i just listened to a podcast with him on it where he talked about the tony hawk games.


    he said the game paid him an initial sum of 20k for his appearance in it, and he got a lifetime of exposure because of it. after that, as the games kept selling, he'd be getting checks in the mail that were so massive he was able to start take his skate brand under his own distribution and grow the business (Zero skateboards) which is still the greatest skateboard brand ever. :bow: 


    Tony Hawk as well, I remember him saying that he would make more off the game than skateboarding, and activision would routinely send him royalty checks over $1 million.


    So respect for the games being so pivotal in growing skateboarding :bow: 



    I tried this game but it was too hard ;(

  5. I caved in....and bought the month pass to try the game. I can't compare it to those Forza Games since I haven't played them but it feels like a solid racing game and it's beautiful too. I've only played the Xbox 360 most wanted and Rivals on PS4 so I also can't compare it to the supposed shit ones in between. BUT It's hilarious seeing the different neighborhoods and landmarks around me. It's not as accurate as The Crew 2's Miami but this is a nice reimagining of it. And the hype people on youtube weren't kidding...the cops are tough and this is on medium. They keep busting me (fuck 4 cylinders) It's good that you can't just breeze through the game. Seems to be a good, not crazy amount of customization options. 


    Feel bad for the console plebs if you are really playing this at 30fps. Even 60 bothers me. I'd rather lower the settings down to get ~75 and bump the resolution up. Damn, I hope it goes on special for and the discount applies on top of that.

  6. On 2019-10-30 at 9:30 PM, Twinblade said:

    I don't know if theres any romance options but shes definitely my wifey.

    The way her story played out :puke:


    And yeah, they weren't kidding, it's not just the character creator females who have the dude hair. Like 90% of the female NPC's do too


    I was playing it on hard from the beginning and it was a little hard at first but then after side quests it became super easy. I used the Supernova patch and it just became annoying with the sleeping and eating thing. If there was a difference in enemy difficulty, it was minimal and not worth the extra hassle so I've gone back to hard. I don't remember this difficulty curve in New Vegas. Definitely saw it in Fallout 4. 

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