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Posts posted by roflpwnedz

  1. 2 minutes ago, kokujin said:

    This thing came out of no where, and it's not squaresoft. Though should be pleasantly impressed and watch out for it / not expect anything more.

    I get what you mean but then again I don't really play JRPG's anymore. Maybe one every few years now. I want there to be a game that drags me back to them for real and not like FFXV. I beat it and had no interest in doing the side quests or dlc.

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  2. 1 hour ago, JONBpc said:

    Dreamcast is what got me into guilty gear,  by complete accident.  My buddy pirated a while bunch of games and gave them to me . 

    We were big fighting game fans.  We discovered guilty gear.  I was 18 or 19 . Almost 20 years later I still love that game. 


    DC was loaded with gamey games.  It was such a great console . I gave mine away , with about 150 pirated games one day . I should have kept it  

    I had a similar experience. I was 9 and I didn't know much about what was going on in gaming. I was just hyped for PS2 cause I had a PS1 and I was like wtf is this Dreamcast thing my dad wanted to get me. Damn, I got exposed to so many games. I didn't even know about reviews back then so I just played whatever was fun. Lots of "shitty" games by public opinion. 

  3. The best thing about dreamcast was that it didn't need a mod chip. Since my cd-r collection has been cat-pissed I have gone fully digital and downloaded it all . Y'all missed out on some of the best games ever :reg:



  4. 6 minutes ago, kaz said:

    yep thats what i always do. play it on ps1 emulator and it looks better. paying for remasters :mj: 

    In the balamb class screens it looks like they used some shitty filter on the background


    There is no reason why can't do something like this.




    Those developers put 0 effort


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