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Posts posted by roflpwnedz

  1. 7 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    It doesn't really, that's just what things cost. I know you can wait for deals and build piece by piece but when asked for a build you're not going to do much better than that for what it is. 

    Actually, you're probably right. After adding up the estimates of some parts it would be cheaper than 800 but not by as much as I thought.

  2. 2 hours ago, Ike said:

    Thanks @DynamiteCop!, I can probably get that. Did you overclock it?


    And then maybe just get Ryzen 7 1700 for the CPU?


    And yeah 1TB might be overkill and I can put 500 GB there instead and save a little.


    I'm probably still getting most big AAA multiplats on console.

    800-900 seems like way too much for the parts you listed. 

    Keep checking on slickdeals....or wait for deals in general. Where you'll mess up is if you are impulsive and buy everything right away or from one place because of convenience. 

    Power supplies are always going on sale. ram has been getting cheaper, and so are hard drives.

    Ryzen 7 1700 and a decent B350 board that will allow you to overclock it to 4.0 should be good. Maybe a decent $20-30 air cooler. 

    Best bang for the buck graphics card lately has been the rx 580 but I'd get that 290x 

    You don't need a fancy case. Use the extra money you saved to buy speakers, etc, even a secondary hard drive with a larger capacity.




  3. 6 minutes ago, The Mother Fucker said:

    I already purchased the PC version of the game on Steam along with this:



    I've wanted to buy something like that for a long time. But there were so many options I end up not buying any lol. I remember reading that the saturn gamepad was good for those fighting games too.

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