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Posts posted by roflpwnedz

  1. Of course the media doesn't say how he's a professional victim and has done this bullshit before. Then they tried to say he was vietnam war veteran.  And now this kid deserves to be doxed and punched cause some other kids said it isn't rape if they enjoyed it. I hadn't even seen the video until just a bit ago and I remember when it came out they made it seem like the kid was verbally attacking the native. Then I see all that shit about just smirking and I can't think it can be true that it was just smirking........BUT IT IS :kaz::deadronda:



    Embarrassing our native race cause I'm at least (.0000001) native just for a few hundred bucks probably. :puke:

  2. 9 hours ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    I do for my compatibility PC, and yeah you can find them on Craigslist or OfferUp. 


    If I could track down a Sony FW900 I would legitimately throw my 27" 144hz LCD in the trash. 

    well when you do, ship it here, my damn monitor doesn't have hdmi. just displayport and vga. idk what they were thinking.

  3. 10 minutes ago, kaz said:

    in germany. north right at the border to denmark. this might be my signature move lol


    but yeah I get 2mb/s max and it sax


    the real shitty thing is: forget inflation and all that shit I pay 39,88€ every month for my internet/including mobile


    trust me it's the worst deal you can get it's not the first place. You can get alright inet speed too.


    ok but I have to admit 2mb/s is more than enough to play online games at acceptable ping. Russia/France/whatever in EU I can play doto and cs :glad: 




    lol I was saying the terms aren't perfect. You can get the same I net for less. or better Inet. that's what i meant

    wtf. you must be in the middle of nowhere.

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