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Posts posted by roflpwnedz

  1. 5 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    yikes you know its bad when this guy thinks ghostz has a good strategy.


    also love that he also has pent up butthurt from almost a month ago.


    so...............let's return back to the subject.


    DId you ever explain your claim that there is election fraud by the Democrats in Broward county????? Let's hear it.


  2. 46 minutes ago, kaz said:

    sounds good to me.

    It was good enough for me to be honest. I just wanted reactions lol


    What is sad is that my roommates' family that live here in the same city can't be bothered to visit them even a moment or to call them and say "Merry Christmas".

  3. 2 hours ago, Cookester15 said:

    Lol I love how

    Lol I love how

    Lol I love how

    Lol I love how

    Lol I love how

    Lol I love how

    Lol I love how

    Lol I love how

    Lol I love how

    Lol I love how

    Lol I love how

    Lol I love how

    Lol I love how

    Lol I love how

    Lol I love how

    Lol I love how

    Lol I love how

    Lol I love how

    Lol I love how

    Lol I love how

    Lol I love how

    Lol I love how

    Lol I love how

    Lol I love how

    Lol I love how

    Lol I love how

    Lol I love how

    Lol I love how

    Lol I love how

    Lol I love how

    Lol I love how

    Lol I love how

    :D still hasn't learned


    Oh and before jerry takes that ^ as support for sam harris or whatever logic fail he comes up with next, I've never listened to him and I don't really care enough to. 

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