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Posts posted by roflpwnedz

  1. 25 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    Did you have a mod chip, soft mod or TSOP flash? I TSOP flashed all my boxes. What program did you use to FTP? I used FlashFXP. 


    EvoX > XBMC > Avalaunch

    xecuter 3, evox, yes flashfxp lol. XBINS.


    recently I tried it again and it worked perfectly so many years later and the emulators on it still seemed smooth...better than any android emulators on more modern equipment. for me, it's close to the perfect emulation console. 

  2. 20 hours ago, -GD- said:

    no clue. yeah, it has some shit areas in the city, but it's a lot better than miami. you can't even compare the two. 

    I've lived in the midwest and I'd take Miami over anything.  I live in the hood. 3 people got shot in a drive by the other day on 27th and around nw 54th. There is a serious ongoing problem there. You working in the news, what do people say? The shootings are relatively always in the same places it seems and nothing has ever changed. I see people marching for gun control every time that happens but why does no one do more? Is it that the white/cuban politicians are just ignoring the problems there? Are they responsible for their own issues like Opa-Locka?  It just makes me sad there is a lot good culture that has come out of even Liberty City and artists but damn, you can see this stuff going on in the first 48 since  a long ass time ago. And even before that it's nothing new, it's gotten media attention, and it still goes on.

  3. 7 hours ago, jehurey said:

    Which is completely undermined by the fact that you're trying to take pleasure about this, right now.


    Nice paradox you created there. LOL


    Simplest answer is that you are that butthurt, and are trying to pretend that you're trolling me, even though I keep on mentioning you losing an argument...............and its clearly getting to you because you keep on TRYING to troll.


    Even Hot Sauce got some against you. LOL

    Write another speech lol

  4. On 2018-12-02 at 7:26 PM, jehurey said:

    LOL Still having aftershocks.


    And you just ran away from your claims, again.


    I love it when I still leave people butthurt days later.









































    Or in your case, weeks later. lol

    Still trying to convince everyone of that you take pleasure in butthurting them. It's all in your head :mickey:

  5. On 2018-11-29 at 12:14 AM, jehurey said:

    Poor attempt at trying to move the discussion away from the two claims that you are obviously running away from.

    So, let's recap again:

    1. You claimed that Democrat that operate the election precincts in Broward county were clearly known as election fraudsters, and have been committing fraud during this election. Asked for your proof, and you ran away, providing nothing.

    2. And then you claimed that I "got caught and exposed" as a fraud.  And I asked you to post proof and where that happened, and all you did was post a link to my profile page. And then I asked you for proof again, and you ran away.


    I feel like we will be adding to this list. Hmmmmmmmmmmm, both of your claims involves somebody being a fraud, and then you fraudulently not backing up your claim. Lets see how long the bulb lasts. lol

    1. Realize you have a problem

    2. Stop lying to yourself. 

    3. Admit you're a fraud





  6. 4 hours ago, jehurey said:

    Looks like you have........especially considering that you resort to personal attacks at this point.


    We now have TWO claims you've now run away from. Wonder how many weeks you'll spend running away from this one.

    Good thing you think it's just two claims because I've made many more that you don't seem to care about. Like the ones about your mental condition / personality disorder. Must mean you already know :bena:

  7. 2 hours ago, jehurey said:

    No it wasn't.


    Provide your proof, or it looks like you have now ran away from your second claim in this thread.


    Thank you.

    I haven't ran from any. That it looks that way to you because your brain doesn't function properly is a different story. :mickey:

    • Haha 1
  8. 15 hours ago, jehurey said:

    I love how he thinks I don't notice that he always tries to use that line every time I bring up the claim that he made and ran away from.


    He always tries to move it to "lol if you think other people are arguing with you". Its obvious that he's embarrassed at the fact that I caught him making a claim that he can't prove.


    I mean.............look at what he's been doing for almost 3 weeks. That's not something a person does unless they are embarrassed. LOL

    I love how Jerrocchio got caught and exposed as a fraud and thinks we don't notice. He can't even get it right in this post.  :shrug:

  9. 12 hours ago, jehurey said:

    Another attempt to go off-topic.


    You've actually talked about me, more than jonb. LOL


    All because you are still running away from your claim that Democrats in Broward county are cheaters in elections.  Which you'll never escape from.

    All because you can't accept that no one takes you or your other voices in your head seriously :D

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