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Posts posted by roflpwnedz

  1. 7 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    Pissed him off again.


    Man, is he getting mad.


    The funny part is that is he's saying that I'm lying.........he would've proved that by now.......but he doesn't seem to be able to do it.

    The funny thing is that you think anyone would fall for taking you seriously just to see you go into alternate reality mode. 


    And nope, still not mad. But that is just another example of your crackheaded delusions :mickey:

  2. 33 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    Not really..............I seem to have a vivid memory of you saying that Democrats who run the election precints in Broward county are known cheaters.


    And then I remember asking you for your proof of that.


    And then I remember you never providing it, and running away for over 2 weeks now.


    Pretty good memory there.

    You are literally fake news. :sabu:

  3. 41 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    Nope. Don't see a logic failure anywhere.


    Let me know when you can point it out.


    Chances are you'll run away from that, as well.


    Caught slippin' again!:blessed:

    Easy.  Every single one of your posts :moto:

  4. 22 hours ago, jehurey said:

    well, you made a claim, and you were asked for proof.


    and you didn't post it.


    yup..................i proved it:blessed:






































    he's slippin', quick, post a blank smiley

    you've only proven your logic failure :npc:

  5. 2 hours ago, jehurey said:

    He's getting desperate again.


    I love that he is aware that he's lost his own plan of what he was trying to accomplish here, in the first place. lol


    All he knows is that he wants to "win" something. LOL And he's not even getting that.

    Lol something something I'm not reading your post but here's a smiley to piss you off :ccruise:

  6. 2 hours ago, jehurey said:

    If he spent two weeks trying to make up for him getting busted making one argument in which he accussed Broward Democrats of cheating..........can you imagine how many MONTHS this poor guy is going to spend trying to make up for the Mega-Meltdown he just had last night? lol


    This thread will inadvertently become the 2020 election thread. LOL

    Jerry is still trying to convince everyone he "won". Just concede already :Jeff:

  7. Just now, jehurey said:



    I will give him credit..............he's actually dropped his act and is just jonb'ing at this point.





































    PLETE :blessed:

    Running away and slippin' :diddy:

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