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Posts posted by roflpwnedz

  1. The GOP is anti-democratic but time and time again liberals have been caught doing shady shit with elections. Because the liberal media doesn't spend months on it like the russian conspiracy is another story. Politicians are all liars and thieves.



  2. 6 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    lol, i like how this post just gradually shifted into more and more warped right-wing accusations.


     Elections are controlled by the state. The state legislature and elections commissions are controlled by Republicans in Florida.


    And you seem to think that Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who is a House Congresswoman that has no government position within the Florida government (because she works in Congress at the federal) is somehow behind all of this, huh?


    Counties that have major cities in them are usually the last to report their numbers.   Its amazing, because you contradict yourself about the Republican primaries in 2012. The Republicans would've overseen that.

     Elections are controlled by the state. The state legislature and elections commissions are controlled by Republicans in Florida.

    That's what I just said


    And you seem to think that Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who is a House Congresswoman that has no government position within the Florida government (because she works in Congress at the federal) is somehow behind all of this, huh

    Never said any of that


    Counties that have major cities in them are usually the last to report their numbers

    That's obvious, but I'm not the only local to notice this.


    Nice damage control though. 

    Keep believing the government and that there is never any fraud in elections.

    I'm sure you were singing the same tune after the 2000 elections.

  3. Broward country has a long history of problems with elections since 2000 at least. Roger Stone even accurately predicted that this would be happening with Broward on the night of the midterm just as the polls had closed. I do remember the same issues for the Republican primaries in 2012 with Broward and all the reports of shady shit going on there. It's incredible this hasn't been fixed and I do think all the Republican leadership in Florida over the years has some fault for not requiring Broward to clean up their act. Let's not forget Debbie Wasserman Schultz is from there too and still there after all the DNC and laptop issues. If you had watched the vote totals appear and % counted live for Broward during this and the presidential election you'd see they always report late and suspiciously. I don't know how anyone on either side can be ok with what's going on there. Even if the recount does or does not change the outcome everyone should be concerned because if shit like this happens there it's definitely happening elsewhere.

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