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Posts posted by roflpwnedz

  1. I've always had a bad back but when I injured it probably not lifting correctly at work, I used to take cough medicine with dxm to deal with it. It numbs you by distracting your mind from the pain. Acts on opiate receptors etc etc. Oversimplification but you get the point. Aleve and all the other OTC pain relief stuff didnt work and I'm sure you've heard opiate painkiller horror stories so thats a path I didn't want to seek. Not like I could afford it either.


    My issue now is a pinched nerve I think. Got worse when I had to work online. Look up stretches on youtube.

  2. If I were to go by the experience I had today, then I'd believe it was an issue. 


    Black lady in a wheelchair came up to me and a friend and told us to be careful cause we were white. That they (blacks) were ambushing white kidsand beating the shit out of them in some part of the city which I didn't catch.


    However, I want to think she wanted us to use her as protection. For food/money.


    Also weird today, another black panhandler came up to us making small talk and asking for change. The odd part was him going on a rant saying that the worst kinds of people are of his own skin color. That they treat him like crap and he said he wished he wasn't black. I really wanted to tell him he shouldn't wish for that and he should be happy how he is...but he wanted to do a fist bump instead and then left.



  3. Yeah. I've stopped watching movies and series. But the issue with movies being forgettable happens to me too. I really do find it amazing that there are people that can remember lines from movies they haven't seen in years. I feel like I have to be high or something to get through a movie now. Also, it's like how I feel about music now. There's nothing innovative. Everything seems like something you've heard or watched before.

    Documentaries I can watch though. 



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