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Everything posted by Casual

  1. https://time.com/collection/100-most-influential-people-2023/6269962/hidetaka-miyazaki/ GOAT stuff.
  2. RE4 is incredible. Great remake of the best third person shooter/action game ever. Replaying it made me realize just how far ahead it was and it's kinda sad all these attempts since it have fallen so short of the bar it set. that said, it's a remake and it won't win (many) GOTYs.
  3. meh, steam deck seems dope but i mostly play games at my pc anyway, not sure how much id use the handheld side of things.
  4. i can't be bothered to pirate these days. i have a job and games ain't that much. exceptions for emulation.
  5. who cares? the game looks like it sucks anyway. 71 meta. book it.
  6. Literally nothing. I'll buy it day 1. switch has been by far my most used console of the last two gens, still use it more than my ps5. imo easily the best thing to compliment a good pc.
  7. Old Hunters is probably FROMs best DLC. DS3 and DS1 are no slouches either though. And if you ever do get around to DS2, I'd recommend the complete edition - DLC is definitely the best part of that game.
  8. Yep. Love me some iteration on established, great ideas. Everyone is always screaming about "gimme new ideas, new ips, etc". And don't get me wrong, when a new ip/innovative idea comes around and hits, it's great. But a lot of the time they don't. Hell, most of the time new IPs are copying an established IP anyway - who cares that they called it something else. Baffles me when people criticize a FROM game for being too similar to the last - you mean it's similar to a fantastic game that released three years ago?
  9. New IPs are overrated. PS5 has probably the second biggest exclusive coming out this year though - FF16.
  10. Shadow Complex was cool too. Was that indie? I feel like that was one of the first indie metroidvanias....it was a big thing when it came out on 360.
  11. Top 5 for me are Dead Cells, Valheim, Hollow Knight, FTL and Rocket League. FTL is super underrated and always forgotten about imo. Other ones that are up there: Hades, Celeste, Factorio, Stardew, Shovel Knight, Binding of Isaac, Crypt of the Necrodancer....so many bangers.
  12. I kinda just fell off. Good game, I don't really have anything wrong with it. Might jump back in eventually but it really didn't hold me like I thought it might.
  13. lol this shit is made from reclaimed water jugs and they're charging the lemshits $85???? TLHBFR.
  14. looks like it did better than the halo show. tlhbr.
  15. dont think there was anything terrible about it. it was passable. most people just aren't gonna have time for a passable game when there's so much good shit out there. maybe years ago when there wasn't 100 games coming out every week. i have about 100 things in my backlog i'd prioritize over that, for example.
  16. Sony getting back in the handheld game seems dumb at this point. Depends on the specs I guess, but AAA development takes so long these days that I'm not sure splitting your game across platforms in the play. If anything I can see this being some handheld that plays the PS4 library and you can stream PS5 to. At which point, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
  17. I don't really use mine tbh. PC/Switch is too good. At the same time, not gonna put the effort in to make 500 bucks when realistically there's gonna be some random exclusive I'll want to play at some point.
  18. fuckin basement dwelling weirdo
  19. Watched Tetris last night. fun watch and a cool story, im sure some of it is exaggerated but still pretty wild.
  20. since this is apparently the dog thread
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