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Everything posted by Casual

  1. You're a beast man lol. Chewing through these games. I know you said you're getting into Burning Shores next. But, if and when you get the urge for some more FROM stuff, I'd reallllly recommend Sekiro. It definitely strays the furthest from the formula, but I think you'll dig it.
  2. it was always just lemmings praising it. can't trust them, they have nothing good to compare it to.
  3. Excited to play this on PC. The series peaked at FM2 though imo.
  4. Hell yeah dude. FROM DLC is always amazing. Glad you liked it. Hopefully we get that BB remaster one day - though you're making me want to install it and play through again.
  5. yeah tbh my plan is probably to sell in a few years and bounce to calgary lol. GTA is obnoxious these days. hindsight i wish i just stretched myself thin and bought something immediately after school, but oh well.
  6. Are these actually good games? I've been tempted to pick up VIII for a while.
  7. I'd probably do it on NG just given how quick it is to get through BB. You can also access it fairly early so you don't need to complete the game - you will want some decent levels though. probably some of the hardest bosses in the series, so yeah, NG+ might be a bitch.
  8. lets be honest, every real gamer loves nintendo.
  9. Looks great. Can’t wait. This year is amazing if you’re not a lemming.
  10. That was the situation here like 3 years ago when we were buying. It's settled down a bit with the interest rates but yeah. I remember we offered like 750 on one listed at 7 and it sold for 850 But from the agents perspective, listing below market value gets more people in the door and creates the bidding war. We learned pretty quick that in most cases the price aint the price.
  11. https://time.com/collection/100-most-influential-people-2023/6269962/hidetaka-miyazaki/ GOAT stuff.
  12. RE4 is incredible. Great remake of the best third person shooter/action game ever. Replaying it made me realize just how far ahead it was and it's kinda sad all these attempts since it have fallen so short of the bar it set. that said, it's a remake and it won't win (many) GOTYs.
  13. meh, steam deck seems dope but i mostly play games at my pc anyway, not sure how much id use the handheld side of things.
  14. i can't be bothered to pirate these days. i have a job and games ain't that much. exceptions for emulation.
  15. who cares? the game looks like it sucks anyway. 71 meta. book it.
  16. Literally nothing. I'll buy it day 1. switch has been by far my most used console of the last two gens, still use it more than my ps5. imo easily the best thing to compliment a good pc.
  17. Old Hunters is probably FROMs best DLC. DS3 and DS1 are no slouches either though. And if you ever do get around to DS2, I'd recommend the complete edition - DLC is definitely the best part of that game.
  18. Yep. Love me some iteration on established, great ideas. Everyone is always screaming about "gimme new ideas, new ips, etc". And don't get me wrong, when a new ip/innovative idea comes around and hits, it's great. But a lot of the time they don't. Hell, most of the time new IPs are copying an established IP anyway - who cares that they called it something else. Baffles me when people criticize a FROM game for being too similar to the last - you mean it's similar to a fantastic game that released three years ago?
  19. New IPs are overrated. PS5 has probably the second biggest exclusive coming out this year though - FF16.
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