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Everything posted by Casual

  1. Shadow Complex was cool too. Was that indie? I feel like that was one of the first indie metroidvanias....it was a big thing when it came out on 360.
  2. Top 5 for me are Dead Cells, Valheim, Hollow Knight, FTL and Rocket League. FTL is super underrated and always forgotten about imo. Other ones that are up there: Hades, Celeste, Factorio, Stardew, Shovel Knight, Binding of Isaac, Crypt of the Necrodancer....so many bangers.
  3. I kinda just fell off. Good game, I don't really have anything wrong with it. Might jump back in eventually but it really didn't hold me like I thought it might.
  4. lol this shit is made from reclaimed water jugs and they're charging the lemshits $85???? TLHBFR.
  5. looks like it did better than the halo show. tlhbr.
  6. dont think there was anything terrible about it. it was passable. most people just aren't gonna have time for a passable game when there's so much good shit out there. maybe years ago when there wasn't 100 games coming out every week. i have about 100 things in my backlog i'd prioritize over that, for example.
  7. Sony getting back in the handheld game seems dumb at this point. Depends on the specs I guess, but AAA development takes so long these days that I'm not sure splitting your game across platforms in the play. If anything I can see this being some handheld that plays the PS4 library and you can stream PS5 to. At which point, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
  8. I don't really use mine tbh. PC/Switch is too good. At the same time, not gonna put the effort in to make 500 bucks when realistically there's gonna be some random exclusive I'll want to play at some point.
  9. fuckin basement dwelling weirdo
  10. Watched Tetris last night. fun watch and a cool story, im sure some of it is exaggerated but still pretty wild.
  11. since this is apparently the dog thread
  12. good looking pup right there. that's awesome. wont be that size very long i imagine.
  13. of course it is. VR isn't compelling to the mass market in its current form. maybe if they cut the price like $150 you'll have a few more people buy it, try it for a week then let it collect dust for the next 5 years.
  14. looks awesome, perfect way to expand on the immersive/discovery type gameplay that BOTW was so good at. loving how the world is looking too with the islands and such, seems like they'll be adding some new shit to facilitate that ascend ability.
  15. Guess ghostz has to find a new hobby.
  16. https://www.counter-strike.net/cs2?l=english full list of changes. Sounds amazing.
  17. symptom of the industry more than anything. everything has become homogenized. things are cross gen because consoles are basically PCs at this point. it's no different than devs targeting multiple tiers of specs on a PC exclusive, you're targeting a bigger demographic. this isn't gonna change, ever. next gen will be the exact same. consoles aren't some unique platform anymore like they were in the GC/PS2/Xbox gens and prior. buying a console is no different than buying a new video card. you're still getting a way better experience playing on a ps5 vs. a ps4, similar to
  18. i guess. it's closer to the style of 2, definitely darker but still in the more cartoonish style of 3. the other stuff also brings down the overall feel (fonts, UI in general, etc. is all straight out of a mobile game, doesn't match stylistically with the actual graphics).
  19. Switch is the only console that isn't completely redundant if you own a PC. I barely use my PS5. Going forward I'll probably just stick with PC+Nintendo.
  20. Servers have been fine since the first day lol. played through as a sorc and rogue. Might try some barbarian today. not a fan, it’s definitely still that Diablo 3 DNA and I think the “open world” style they’ve gone for is working against the gameplay loop. Stylistically it looks better than 3, at least the graphics - everything around it (fonts, UI, etc) looks straight out of a mobile game unfortunately. itemization is still poor like in 3. You’re constantly being given marginal upgrades to the point where they just become meaningless, fraction of a percent increa
  21. Damn man, good luck. Injuries suck to deal with when you're older. I'm terrified of a major injury at this point in my life.
  22. Awful man. Too young. That's him and Michael K Williams now :(.
  23. thanks man! luckily i didn't have too much of either to lose lol, but definitely feel like i missed out on some gains. had to be done though, hoping now that im pumping up the calories i can make some good fast gains. ive been able to progress pretty well on squats/deadlifts but bench/overhead not as much. good call on the nuts, those things got so many calories. im always sad when i portion out my almond snack and it's like 10 almonds for 100 calories. pasta too, before i started to weigh it out i vastly overestimated portion sizes. and yep, agreed on myfitness. one th
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