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Everything posted by Casual

  1. I dunno how anyone could play games for the better part of their life, see footage of this game and think it had potential to be anything other than trash.
  2. It's pretty standard JRPG stuff, ragtag group of people that come together for a common cause, the characters are interesting enough so far. Story itself is also fine...nothing mindblowing so far but it's keeping my attention and has potential to go places. Pacing wise it's been great though, moving stuff along pretty quickly and judging by the average time to beat it seems like it'll continue to be a tight experience. \ It's on gamepass, btw. Worth taking a look - you'll know pretty quickly if it's your thing.
  3. Been playing Chained Echoes the past couple days. This one flew under my radar but one of the best SNES style jrpgs I’ve come across. Some great takes on the genre with a superb battle system.
  4. Been playing Chained Echoes the past couple days. This one flew under my radar but one of the best SNES style jrpgs I’ve come across. Some great takes on the genre with a superb battle system.
  5. these people are idiots who just read the nice things phil says on twitter and don't look at the reality of how businesses on that scale are run.
  6. meh, they should leave it on ice for 5 years imo. come back with a real plan and a good game. they've basically been driving the franchise into the ground for 13 years now.
  7. yep. microsoft is poison for the industry. they've been buying studios and ruining everything about them for decades now, it started with Rare. can't think of a single Ip that's improved after coming under MS control.
  8. put about 2 hours in today. game is definitely solid. starts out a little cheesy but they've certainly trimmed the story parts down, pushing you right from battle to battle - so if that's your thing, you'll like it. seems more awakening than three houses. the new mechanic opens up quite a few possibilities in battles too!
  9. saw Plane tonight. pretty fun and concise action movie.
  10. honestly this is probably good for halo. can't make a worse halo than 343. now it's either no halo, or a halo by a dev who is by default more competent than 343.
  11. definitely double dipping at full price. can't wait.
  12. did it though? 3DS was doing just fine while mobile gaming was peaking. if anything Wii U failing killed off traditional handhelds since nintendo was forced to merge streams, imo.
  13. for sure. yeah seems like they trimmed some of the "fat". I kinda liked that fat though.
  14. Loved Three Houses - one of my favourite games this gen. Something about this looked off though. I still check it out, looks like it's getting solid feedback overall.
  15. yooo lets fucking go. amazing game, one of the more underrated ones from that gen imo.
  16. I'd just return all the stuff that isn't elden ring
  17. I got about 10 hours in and then just kinda dropped it. Haven't had a desire to go back.
  18. I would say Switch is the main console and the other two consoles are completely unnecessary if you have a PC.
  19. Just give me the same thing but some more power. Don’t care if it’s particularly powerful. 1440p docked and 1080 handheld would be fine. full BC no bullshit reset on games available via Nintendo online GameCube and GBA with the online subscription
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