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Everything posted by Casual

  1. 3060. I was considering pulling the trigger on a 3070ti but with markup and not really needing it im just gonna wait for a 4 series.
  2. How do I access all the new maps and modes and stuff? Couldn’t find a way. The stuff I have access to is the same as it was at launch. do I need to download something separately?
  3. https://www.eurogamer.es/articles/2022-03-18-confirmada-la-version-para-nintendo-switch-de-hogwarts-legacy now ghosts can hype it too
  4. I basically only play my PC unless there's an exclusive tbh. I guess my console of choice would be Switch, it gets more use than the PS5.
  5. ive had a ps5 since launch man not sure what that's got to do with it though, it's not a sony exclusive? ill be playing on pc.
  6. yep! when you do ng+ you keep all your gear, levels, etc. so basically you can just beeline through the game. the bosses do scale up a bit though.
  7. tbh subsequent playthroughs can be superrrr quick in this with all the warps and stuff so depends how fast he's going through. could easily beat the game in like 5-6 hours the second time through.
  8. twitter is such a bad way to do this. of course MS is going to be higher complaints on twitter. think of the demographic who uses twitter...it's all those inclusive types who MS has been desperately trying to recruit over the last few years. remember all those mixer partners??? those are the type of people that live on twitter.
  9. Jumped into GT7. Having a good time so far Really what I’ve been looking for in a racer. The story/career mode structure is fun. I’m not a car enthusiast by any means but you can tell how much they love cars and their history. also the game looks fantastic.
  10. i had a feeling it'd get pretty low. souls games always have some wild speedruns. you can do so much at low levels with the right items and because of how many runes/souls bosses give, you can kind of keep pace and get to reasonable breakpoints. this games super interesting cause obviously it's open world, but with all the secret portals and shit laying around you know some big brain is gonna find some wild strategy.
  11. Just finished. What a damn ride. Finished at level 157 and 77 hours. I looked through the achievements I missed and it looks like I missed an optional boss somewhere, ah well. Got the rest. Easily one of the best games I've ever played, not sure exactly where it'll fall, but certainly top 10. Can't wait to do it all again.
  12. Eh dark souls 1 was certainly a lot more metroidvania than open world. Having just replayed Dark Souls 3 before this, it’s damn near linear. there’s lots of distinctions in their designs. Obviously Elden ring kept the legacy dungeons which are the tried and true FROM design. agreed that if you’ve played souls before you’ll feel right at home though. I hope going forward we get some sort of release cadence where we alternate between more traditional FROM design and the open world side of things. Iterating on each of course.
  13. Been no lifing it pretty hard tbh. 70 hours in. it all lined up, I’m working from home and just got our puppy neutered so he requires lots of supervision but not as many walks. Lots of time to sit around.
  14. Basically at the final boss, just doubling back around the world to get some things I missed. Don't think I missed anything too major, almost missed one secret area but luckily found the portal running to something else. Will say you really get overleveled doing all the content, I'm 141 atm and probably have a few levels worth of stuff to go. Definitely looking to start a sorcery build next I think.
  15. yep. some of the bosses im beating now are giving me achievements with like 0.4% completion lol
  16. Making my way through the mountains, beautiful zone with some brutal enemies. At 65 hours now, level 125. Switched up my build a bit and using the ruins great sword now. Also have a mace, forget the name, for when I need a bit more defense/faster weapon. think I might wanna do a twin blade build next. I’ll probably copy my save file before I beat the final boss so I can fuck around with respecs and shit before I settle on my next character. also did a bunch of pvp tonight, connections seemed a little hit or miss unfortunately. Seems like the community has already landed on
  17. Yeah this game is officially top 5 oat for me. As I was going through Lumaria part of me was thinking “this is great but I still think Bloodborne is better”. I found that are a little empty, especially compared to Limgrave. But my god does this game really pick up steam the second half of the game. Just banger after banger of zones/levels. The [spoiler]Volcano Manor and Capital[/spoiler] in particular are easily some of Froms best work. Sublime level design, art, enemies, bosses, etc. Now I’m in the mountains and it seems great too. Feels like I’m nearing the end and I already can’t
  18. i mean specific studios, "nintendo" isn't really a studio. but even as a whole they aren't touching from, BOTW is the only game on that level that they've made.
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