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Everything posted by Casual

  1. Okay? Last gen also didn't really start for a couple of years either, but the games made the hardware look dated regardless. Performance mode and the like wasn't even close to standard even in cross gen games. We were getting sub-900p junk that ran at sub-60. this gens hardware is far more competent in almost every way. In terms for price/performance relative to the time it's not even close. PS4 and X1 were some of the most outdated pieces of console we've ever seen when launched.
  2. All visually impressive games that don't look and perform out of place compared to PC games, which was an issue for PS4/X1 the day they dropped (both which had cross-gen too). This gen is a massive improvement over last in terms of hardware not being immediately dwarfed by PCs.
  3. Haven't played Plague Tale but seems like a Plague Tale problem tbh. Demon's Souls, God of War, Ratchet all look and run great at respectable resolution/IQ.
  4. aint no way im spending my time watching soccer. let alone supporting some slave driving desert shithole.
  5. Eh I think both can be true though. PS3 to PS4 was a pretty big jump but even out of the gate it was already being blown out of the water by PC in terms of performance and such - and this is at a time when PCs weren't quadruple the price of a PS4. Contrast that to now - PS5 mostly holds its own against title on PC, performance wise, and for a fraction the cost of a good PC (my PS5 was like half the price of my video card for example).
  6. Yeah man I remember logging into GS system wars the day that review dropped, my god. It was crazier since it was a launch title too. That said, OG Xbox had a STRING of amazing flops back in the day. Sudeki, Blinx, Fable, Jade Empire. There were a couple others I'm forgetiting,
  7. Makes sense. In line with last gen for the most part and gives them time to put out their usual 6 revisions of the console. Generations ain't getting any shorter, especially since they barely start until two years after the hardware is released. It's still in a better spot than last gen imo, PS4 felt dated the day it came out (hardware wise). For what it is, PS5 feels like much more value in terms of horsepower. Especially in the context of video cards costing what they do. I mean I rarely turn my PS5 on, but I knew that would be the case. If I play a few more exclusives through th
  8. I think overdesigned kinda nails it for me when looking at the game as a whole. Like I definitely appreciate the level of polish and attention to detail - especially in an industry where AAA gaming has been riddled with poor launches and buggy games that never get fixed. Sony really is leading the charge here (alongside Nintendo, but obviously their games aren't to the same scale). I just didn't find myself enjoying the moment to moment gameplay loop. The combat is just okay imo and there's too much of it, it's a bit too slow and relies too much on arrows coming from all directions
  9. yeah i think im done with Ragnarok after about 12 hours or so. Vampire Survivors is a way better game. Elden Ring got GOTY on lock though.
  10. https://www.videogameschronicle.com/news/phil-spencer-says-the-xbox-business-will-become-untenable-if-it-remains-irrelevant-on-mobile/
  11. yeah a lot of it starts with shitty parenting tbh. i mean it's more nuanced than that, we're now in a society where you basically need dual incomes to raise kids, this obviously results in far less home made meals and far more quick, processed garbage. not shocking that this is happening in the country where convenience is king and wage disparity is at a modern time high + shitty benefits, mat leave, etc.
  12. yeah i dunno how these people do it. i fluctuated a bit during covid. went from my usual ~185 to about 200 at my peak. 6'2 so that still puts me only about 10 pounds overweight but i could already feel how much slower i'd become. roughly counted some calories and got some more exercise for the next couple months and kicked it pretty easy though, 190 now, gonna aim to get to 180 and then slowly bulk back to 185ish. im pretty excited because right now im aiming for ~1600 calories a day, and my maintenance calories when I do get to 185 will be like 5-600 above that lol. I already have my macros c
  13. sounds like a technical mess. gamefreak is such a shit tier dev. probably be a 9 on PC at 4k/60
  14. VS also got some absolute bangers on the soundtrack
  15. no but i didn't spend much time watching tutorials on how to change my 1994 honda civics muffler
  16. Stray is a joke. Vampire Survivors or Neon White should be in that spot.
  17. The best Switch game isn't even out yet. Sports Story babyyyyy
  18. Some of the setpieces and views in this game are just great. Spoilers just past where the game opens up initially.
  19. Early thoughts: Pros: -Looks absolutely incredible, both technically and artistically -Characters all seem cool, other than Kratos, guys boring. But a nice contract between the others. Thor is awesome in this. -Combat is a hell of a spectacle Cons: -Already done with the loot system. Just completely unnecessary in this type of game imo. I'm cool getting a new weapon/tool every so often but finding/upgrading armour? nah im good. Looks like we're upgrading the boys shit too? zzzzzzz. Keep that shit out of my action games. -Combat is also a bit lac
  20. https://www.resetera.com/threads/new-god-of-war-shadow-dropped-on-xbox-store.652410/ sure you're not playing that?
  21. Just sub to gamepass tbh. If you're gonna pirate shit, pirate the Switch stuff.
  22. amazon saying Friday for me. might just hit up gamestop tomorrow after the gym...usually go at lunch but might make it an early workout so i can play all day.
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