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Everything posted by Casual

  1. IGN review said 28 hours with a few sidequests sprinkled in. Not bad.
  2. eh, most games get higher scores than they deserve. reviewers put themselves in a tough spot when they give shit like Halo Infinite an 87. Can't do much at that point but hit the real bangers with a 10.
  3. i dunno, sounds like Ragnarok is more in the open world direction but yeah, i have a hard time classifying 2018 as open world.
  4. Meh, the first was probably like 30-40 if you do all the content. Trick is, like with most open world games, to not do most of the extra stuff.
  5. I've been really considering on lately. The emulation specifically looks rad. I probably shouldn't, I'm by my PC all day for work anyway, I drive to work when I commute and I rarely fly. Still, it's appealing. Maybe when the next iteration comes out.
  6. meh, reality is there's like two games Ive wanted to play online on Switch since I got it. MHRise and Splatoon 2, both worked fine. Reality is most of the games I'm going for on Switch are games that don't lend themselves to online. Also, people vastly overrate the other consoles online when they compare them to Switch. Truth is, PC is the only platform where online feels good. PS4/5 both had absolutely dogshit online. Can't speak for Xbox cause who the fuck actually owns one of those, but it probably sucks too.
  7. i cant think of a meaningful system feature/OS design thing that nintendo is missing that would come close to being as important as game performance. most of the features/OS stuff on PS/Xbox are gimmicks that go unused. online is really the only meaningful thing they need to fix.
  8. Been kinda bouncing between a bunch of stuff... Playing P5R again with the Gamepass release. Just finished the second palace. Still such a good game, might play SMTV again when I'm wrapped up with it. Jumped into Bowser's Fury on Yuzu. Imo this is such a better take on open world Mario than Odyssey was. I hope we get a full game as an evolution of this style. Dabbling in OW2 here and there. I think the game itself is pretty fun tbh, not really concerned with the monetitzation since I don't care about the skins. Fun game to jump into for a few matches
  9. been digging the game boys to men series. some cool stories about the gaming business through the years. seems like the new direction is paying off for him...still at 5500 patreons. pushing 25k a month even if we assume those are all the lowest tier, and that's before twitch subs and whatever else he's monetizing.
  10. cool. first witcher is awesome. not as good as 3 but better than 2.
  11. bang bang banggggg https://www.metacritic.com/game/switch/mario-+-rabbids-sparks-of-hope 86 meta after 60 reviews. sheeeeesh.
  12. God of War Maybe Bayo and CoD Gonna be doing a lot of backlogging I think.
  13. Elden Ring for me. Can't see Ragnarok dethroning it but I'm sure it'll be a good game. Neon White probably runner up, but pretty distant.
  14. so it's basically a good telltale game? not sure that's the praise they think it is. but cool if you like these "games" i guess.
  15. yeah, im doing the opposite, getting the ace on every level (ill go back for the gifts later - they unlock some cool side missions too!) there's also a "red ace" on every level, i've managed to get a handful but the time threshold it takes is hidden.
  16. might be my fav vg track of all time tbh. up there with some of the dkc1/2 classics for sure. got this game for christmas, remember my first time walking into phendrana over the holidays. so good.
  17. meh the whole mentality of hoping everything comes to switch was always lost on me. maybe if you ride the bus everyday or some shit, but most games aren't something i want to play in handheld at poor framerate/resolution. similarly i don't want to play those games on steamdeck. i watch the recaps of nintendo directs for the purpose of exclusives.
  18. finally glad they're doing the first separately tbh. one of the greatest games of all time, top 10 easily. greatest game of its generation. give us echoes eventually and do whatever you want with corruption.
  19. the card you get in chapter 11 is bonkers lol top 3 game of the year for me so far.
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