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Everything posted by Casual

  1. trash franchise. no one hyped this. maybe cooke
  2. i mean you have a series x so sure, you've lost already. ill be playing elden ring on PC anyway 🙂
  3. don't worry it's not coming to ditch
  4. https://www.ign.com/articles/elden-ring-the-first-preview Bunch more stuff here but twitter is being lame right now: https://www.resetera.com/threads/elden-ring-previews-closed-door-no-new-footage.477834/
  5. the fact the game is called no more heroes wasn't a good sign. don't need to know much beyond that.
  6. hell yeah. even fzero. though i played fzero the other day and felt sick for about 3 hours after
  7. the goat. DKC1/2 Chrono Trigger FF6 Super Metroid Super Mario World Castlevania IV Link to the Past Secret of Mana Earthbound Yoshi's Island Contra III Super Ghouls N Ghosts just a bunch of bangers also the games that, imo, have collectively aged more gracefully than any other console.
  8. seems high for an incomplete game with a formula straight out of 2007.
  9. D3 was such a shame. Going through the main story on D2 is actually tough solo, especially when resists really come into play in hell.
  10. imagine being a, presumably 30-40yo man arguing on gamefaqs about transgender bathrooms. the life of a lemming.
  11. yeah, the combat felt a little off but im hoping that's because they just throw you in with a bunch of level 25s and tons of artes. I hope it makes a bit more sense and seems more tactical in the release where you (presumably) get drip fed abilities.
  12. Anyone else play the demo? Pretty damn good I thought. Much higher production values than I’d have expected. The battle music bangs, reminds me of baiten kaitos
  13. eh, WoW is way tighter than Xenoblade. At least Vanilla through Wrath. Sounds more like TOR or GW2 or some shit.
  14. man i played a tonnnn of the diablo ii demo back in the day. i also remember renting the promotional banjo kazooie vhs from blockbuster back in the day, good times.
  15. Yeah. It's a lot easier to make decisions on games these days. I mostly end up only getting demos for games I've already decided to buy. Back in the day it was dope though.
  16. you mean the actual areas? i dunno, that's just a pretty generic grassy area honestly, done in pretty different artstyles too. ill happily take xenoblade esque worlds with a decent combat system though.
  17. eh not really? what part of it?
  18. Been fucking around with some Splitgate. Bit of a hybrid between Halo and UT but the portal element really rejuvenates the gameplay.
  19. hmm, no issues with the bluetooth? guess it's probably dependent on your motherboards bt.
  20. Is there a reason to get the new Xbox controller over the X1 controller? Should I get the wifi adapter? I usually just use my PS5 or Switch controller but they dont work natively outside of Steam and I want something I can use wirelessly.
  21. Was out of town for a wedding this weekend so didn't get to play too much but I cleared the available content/got to 20 with a Fissure Druid and Zealot and started on a Sorc a bit. Didn't really do much farming. Probably gonna finish up the Sorc and do a Barb/Amazon next weekend, maybe try to push 30 and do some MFing on something. Gotta rememeber to do the Andy bug on my sorc. Overall super impressed with how it seems to be turning out. As someone who still plays D2 almost every day I'm really looking forward to being able to move over to a modern but accurate remake of it. The fe
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