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Everything posted by Casual

  1. I still haven't even paid for a copy of Windows 10 since I built my rig tbh.
  2. Oh so it doesn't do 4K???? Where's all those retards trying to convince me that it would lmao. Have to be fucking delusional to expect a meaningful mid gen refresh from Nintendo.
  3. Sony continuing that quality over quantity lifestyle. Better than any of MS c tier acquisitions.
  4. Crazy. Y’all don’t really have AC out there either right? Ontario is uncomfortably hot, but that’s next level. Sucks cause Fall is the best season but it seems we barely see it anymore. We get winter, two weeks of shit rain, summer, two weeks of shit rain, winter. Fall used to be a good, comfortable two-three month stretch of hoodie weather. I’ll take winter over summer any day.
  5. I’ve been playing off an on. Really enjoying. Only like level 44 I think but working my way through the MSQ. Took a break for the initial Burning Crusade push but I’m pretty settled there now.
  6. Oh damn you never played this!? Enjoy dude, what a ride it is.
  7. Worst part is it sounds like the story mode is shit. Ah well, 90 bucks I’ll keep.
  8. game is really fun from what ive played but i just dont have a consistent 2-3 people to run with unfortunately
  9. yeah, that idea sounds crazy and it's kind of what i had in mind for multiplayer while i was playing valheim. i think the one tricky part is the persistence aspect. obviously everything has to be persistent to be meaningful, but how do you balance that persistence with the fact that different people would be online at different times. it almost only works if you have everyone on at the same time, right? either that or the scale is just so large that it can be sustained even if people are offline. but like in your scenario, if those 15 people are offline the base is in theory ripe f
  10. So I haven't actually played Rust, my understanding is that it is similar gameplay loop/mechanics wise as Valheim. If that's true, then I wouldn't say they're very similar, they share certain things but I believe Rust is one persistent world? Idk, maybe im completely off there. In terms of a bigger goal, couple ways to look at that. There is a full quest progression thing going on, each of the Vendors have like 20-30 quests you need to complete for them. Tbh most of these quests really just involve you going to find specific loot, but there's some that get a bit more specific, you
  11. Alright I'm gonna do my best, keep in mind I'm not great at explaining and because it's a fairly unique game it's hard for me to draw comparisons. So I guess to start off, I think it is similar to what you're describing, or at least one of the games that is closest to it. I would describe the game as a "realistic" survival fps rpg. I would say survival and looting are the two "core" elements to the game, with shooting being the close third. Essentially you have your character. Your character begins with a limited amount of gear - specific guns, ammos, some bags, etc. Th
  12. Lol they said the last segment. They’re gonna end on botw2
  13. Metroid dread fucking wow it’s real.
  14. Metroid yoooo let’s fucking go
  15. so the team that's made the best games of the last decade is adopting the best open world design of the last decade? cool by me.
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