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Everything posted by Casual

  1. lmao remij and ramza working on the preemptive damage control cause they know it's bout to light metacritic up.
  2. 4 years no games Get the welfare service, get the welfare games. Triple A BANGERS don't come cheap and I'll gladly continue to pay full price for them.
  3. meh. 2 and infinite sucked and the first hasn't aged great anyway. series is dead.
  4. sounds made up but if the gameplay is good i don't care.
  5. I was never big into aoe back in the day, but I’ll take any rts I can get
  6. work from home helps haha 🙂 I enjoyed it a lot more than MHW...I think a bit of that extra enjoyment is the fact that the game is better and trimmed a lot of fat...the majority of it is because I now understand a lot of the poorly explained systems in the game so I was able to get right into it without being confused for the first 20 hours. MHW was my first. I'd say give that a try if you're interested...think it's free on PS5 as part of the PS+ collection. The core gameplay is very similar so if you're not digging that I can't imagine you liking MHR.
  7. Gotta try Pac-Man 99 soon. Still deep in MHR. Got like 60 hours in the last week, fully hooked at this point. I'm done with the story stuff so starting to jump into the multiplayer now, which works surprisingly well considering how bad World was initially and how bad Switch is at online in general. Working on finishing up my endgame S+S build, need a few more decorations. Once that's sorted I was tackle Dual Blades, Hammer and either greatsword or longsword. Might try out a ranged weapon as well since I've never used one in a MH game before. Easily my GOTY at this point
  8. yeah NHL is solid, my lack of interest is more a result of no changes...I played every year from like 08-12. my general interest in hockey has plummeted in recent times too.
  9. All time? SSX Tricky THPS1-3 NHL 94-97, NHL 2K5, NHL Hitz Mario Tennis 64 NBA Street Ken Griffey Juniors Winning Run/RBI Baseball FIFA 10-12 Currently? They all kinda suck right now tbh.
  10. Nada. Busy with MH:Rise. Should hold me over till TBC Classic, which should hold me over till D2:Remastered, which should hold me over till the bangers.
  11. ME1 the goat. Definitely gonna grab this, probably on a discount down the line though....too much to play right now. Trying to be more disciplined and not buy games day one when it doesn't make sense.
  12. Cool. Something I'd probably pick up assuming the performance boost is significant. Mostly play docked so I'd prefer this to a whole new model.
  13. sad. guy had two platinum albums in a single year. still one of the most unique sounds in the genre and it's dark and hell is hot is a top 10 album oat.
  14. really dope for xbox fans who like shit sports.
  15. MH Rise seems pretty great so far. Not too deep in but already feels like there’s a lot of improvements over World and they’ve trimmed a lot of fat. World was my first MH game so not sure how many of those systems were unique to it but already things like not having to follow those stupid fucking flies is great. The monster just shows up on your map and it saves a whole lot of nonsense. Lots of cool systems to play around with, seems like they got a lot more going on with buddies now. I don’t remember being able to have multiple in World and the unique skills seems new? Being able to
  16. Seems like a bit too much of a halfstep considering how far we are into the Switch cycle... I'll wait for Switch 2. Console refreshes are historically rip offs.
  17. Cmon man, cut the shit. We’ve all been here for far too long and sub 8 has always been bad. If this was an Xbox game we’d be shitting on it. Meta critic categories don’t line up with how reviewers use the scale.
  18. cmon man 77 on metacritic is hardly positive. that's firmly in mediocre territory.
  19. lmfao, i actually have a ps5. it does 4k, there's still going to be compromises in many cases, hence the "barely". and again, the point still remains that the ps5 is fucking huge so gl getting anything close to that in a switch form factor with anywhere close to a price that the retail market would accept.
  20. Okay, so they'll release a system that can output in 4k but has effectively no games that actually do 4k then. at best you'll get a couple remasters of games old enough that 4k is possible. Wii U had no game doing 1080p that I can think of, Switch has barely any...even Zelda and Mario aren't 1080, and Zelda is a last gen port. PS5 can barely do native 4k and they're 500$, huge boxes where their manufacturers are likely taking a bit of a loss atm (something Nintendo has never done on a console, I doubt they start not). So what's more likely: 1) they go all in
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