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Everything posted by Casual

  1. lol ya'll need to keep your expectations in check. they aren't doing some fancy upconvert dock, it won't be a 4k machine. if you guys wanted a powerful nintendo console maybe you should have contributed to the sales of the gamecube.
  2. Looks absolutely amazing. Faithful too, listening to the interview with llamasc, all the changes they made seem for the better without impacting the spirit of the game.
  3. The reality is that Giantbomb is a jumpoff for these guys. It's a small company and the guys at the top are in it for the long haul at this point (Jeff, Brad, Vinny). I'm sure they're doing okay but there's also not much money left after they're paid. Honestly it's a great site for talent to work at for a couple years, get noticed and then go to a bigger opportunity. The sites respected and they give their staff a fair amount of freedom with their content. I still enjoy what GB puts out...it's the only gaming podcast I still listen to most weeks. That said, the core/longterm guys have a pretty
  4. N64 on Switch with OoT and MM would be suitable for the first half Zelda release.
  5. Can’t wait to be disappointed by no MPT again.
  6. Absolutely hooked to Valheim at the moment. Pretty shocked honestly, I generally hate these types of survival/building games, but a buddy convinced me and it's fantastic, the hours just pass by completely while I'm playing. Tbh it's giving me that feeling I had when I was first hooked on Breath of the Wild or Skyrim. I really like that they do give you some overarching goals to work towards (essentially there's 5 bosses that you're working towards, certain necessary items are gated behind these...for example the first boss gave me the item I needed to build a pickaxe which then all
  7. any studio that gets associated to MS is either shit to begin with or doomed long term. wall street should be shorting those guys instead of GS.
  8. Lots of things I’d like, but most I understand would be hard to justify. Off the top of my head: metroid prime trilogy jade empire baiten kaitos skies of arcadia paper Mario ttyd rogue leader
  9. Decided to jump back into xenoblade DE the other day. I bounced off this game a couple times...I remember being pretty hyped to get it on the wii but I maybe put in a couple hours and never touched it again, didn’t make a great impression. Picked it up again on Switch and got to about 25 hours in, was having a pretty good time but just fell off one day, something else took my attention. im glad I jumped back in because I seem to have stopped playing just before it really gains steam. I originally stopped towards the end of Makna forest which seems to be just before the game gets into
  10. So the gameplay they're showing is captured on a ps5. The demo is exclusively on ps5 for now. buh buh the engine isn't doing good on ps5. trash ass second rate gaming lemmings.
  11. this was one of the games from the collection that i didn't bother claiming. maybe ill grab it.
  12. trenton is nowhere close enough to quebec to need to even consider french.
  13. Probably late on this one, but watched To The Lake last week. I really enjoyed it, cool take on a genre that I usually don't care for.
  14. This seems to just be a better version of world honestly. I like that they got rid of the scout flies, waste of time. Gets rid of some of the padding and you get right to the monsters. The additional of the wire bugs is awesome too, so much more mobility and extra attacks for every weapon set. I’ve been digging the hunting horn, might have to main that.
  15. lmao. imagine how fucking stupid you'd have to be to be a trump supporter. and there's tens of millions of them
  16. lmao hearing some of the audio of these protesters on the stream. "he just pushed meeeeeee" wahhhhh.
  17. yeah education seems to be the root of it from an outsiders perspective. getting worse now with how easy it is to access "information" on the internet. amazes me the amount of mouth breathers that can't even spell at a 4th grade level but are experts on all types of conspiracies etc. cause they read a FB article.
  18. lmao all these fucking inbred ghouls. what a shithole country. surprising lack of "don't tread on me" shirts though.
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