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Everything posted by Casual

  1. Downfall is a banger for sure.
  2. I'm actually shocked at how much I'm enjoying this game tbh. Sony somehow got both Sucker Punch and Guerrilla to make great games. The world is just beautiful, might be the most visually pleasing game I've ever played. Combat is fun enough so far too...not gonna do too many of the sidequests I don't think, I hit the ones I come across naturally, but I've heard it's a fairly length main story so don't wanna get burnt out.
  3. https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/04/entertainment/alexi-laiho-children-of-bodom-death-intl-scli/index.html Sad :(. Bodom's early albums were one of my gateways to metal. They definitely fell off in the later years but Something Wild, Hatebreeder and Follow the Reaper were all classic.
  4. great game but the loads are awful on switch tbh.
  5. I can, generally don’t though. I’ll do on ice if anything. the picture was supposed to be laphroiag quarter cask.
  6. [img]https://img.thewhiskyexchange.com/900/lrgob.non1.jpg[/img] Crown and gingerale if im going mixed.
  7. yooo holy shit. i just moved and it's been a busy ass month so i was 5 episodes behind on mando, managed to avoid spoilers on any of them. binged it this morning, my lord. I feel like I have to watch clone wars now...
  8. That's what I said about Metroid Prime trilogy the last 18 directs.
  9. Yeah, only thing that really got my interest so far. Though I'll probably double dip on Spelunky for Switch if it runs okay.
  10. Yeah Hollow Knight gets a lot of it's length from unnecessarily lengthy traversal sections and a bit of padding. Especially from like the half to 3/4 mark of the game. Really the only flaw of the game imo.
  11. which site do you use for news then? never found one that reports as quick as era.
  12. well 90% of the threads here are made by aza. i lurk on era though, its good for news and entertainment.
  13. Definitely the best of the modern era. I dunno if I'd go as far to say most likely a shadow drop though.
  14. Just skip those patches and give us the next gen patch. Game shouldn't have been on PS4 or X1 in the first place.
  15. I unno what you nerds are arguing about in here. But I'm really digging this game. Not too far in, just made it past the interlude, but the world is absolutely fantastic. They really nailed the design imo. I've been pretty lucky bugs wise, I'm playing on PS5 (originally started on PC but the game wasn't running great)....had a single hard crash and a handful of obvious bugs, but they haven't been gamebreaking and mostly are just funny. Can't wait for it to get an official next gen patch. Think I'm going to mostly go through the main story for now and do a more complete
  16. infamous sucks. GoT is great. Nice little surprise, didn't think sucker punch was capable of making a good game. kind of similar to how GG surprised me with Horizon.
  17. Show is kinda losing steam. Dragging on. Better be something worth it at the end here.
  18. I ended up refunding the Steam version. 1660 wasn’t cutting it when the world opened up. I thought at 1080p I’d be fine, I was for the early sections...running on high at a steady 60. Once the world opened up I started dipping into the 40s. Even when I lowered the settings I got relatively no gain in performance with a noticeable drop in graphics. Ended up grabbing it on PS5, still in the opening portions again but it’s running and looking better. If I run into issues ill Just wait for the PS5 patch.
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