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Everything posted by Casual

  1. Would expect nothing less from the guy using a blackberry in 2020.
  2. Damn. TLHBO. poor guys can’t even pretend to be offline playing their new consoles cause we all know they ain’t got shit to play.
  3. https://www.resetera.com/threads/some-xbox-series-x’s-are-“potentially”-smoking.323608/ and they haven’t even had to start running current gen games yet.
  4. Snow settings >>> always great for pushing hardware too, lots of potential for effects and landscapes to work with.
  5. Lemmings don’t care about current gen games anymore lmao. just wait till you see how fast halo infinite loads man.
  6. Eh, think demons souls is pretty equal in terms of a technical showcase. And it has the added bonus of being a game worth playing.
  7. Not really any different than last gen though? I mean the best launch game of last gen was fuckin resogun. Demons Souls would have easily been the best game on either of those consoles at launch so I’d say were off to a quicker start. It wasn’t until Bloodborne showed up that last gen really felt like it had started. Not to mention these two boxes aren’t outdated the day they arrive. At least Sony has been willing to have PS5 exclusive games. The prominence of cross gen has really done a number on console launch hype.
  8. How bad this is hinges on if they’ve fixed PSN speeds really. My PC has about this (well, it’s a 1tb, but my PC also has a lot of non-game related stuff taking up space) and it’s fine because I can download a 50gb game on steam in the time it takes me to have a shit. PSN has historically been unstable dogshit when it comes to speeds though. So if that stays the same this could be a bad time. Either way, not too worried. Don’t typically play that many games at the same time. Would suck if you keep things like CoD installed I guess. My PS4 right now: Dark Souls
  9. Games have always sucked. Typical Ubisoft trash. gotta say I was slightly intrigued by this one though, mostly due to setting and a general lack of games for this year. but yeah, watched the quick look briefly and it’ll be a hard pass. probably one of the worst/most formulaic open world structures out there, not sure how they still seem to do so well.
  10. I dunno why that’s surprising though? It’s in line with both of their strategies. Sony is focused on new games that take full advantage of the new hardware. Their strength is their first party lineup and big budget exclusives. They’ve said that they’re not interested in compromising PS5 exclusives so that they can work on outdated hardware. Microsoft’s focused on having their entire library available on every piece of hardware they produce. the trade off for Sony is that 10 year old games aren’t that impressive on PS5. The trade off for MS is that new games
  11. Why are they using all last gen games? why can’t they compare demons souls/astrobot/Spider-Man to XSX launch exclusives?
  12. https://www.metacritic.com/game/playstation-5/astros-playroom 82 Meta, 8@GS, 8@IGN. a pack in game better than an entire generation worth of Xbox output.
  13. Sweet. I'll still have 364gb left after installing Halo Infinite on launch day.
  14. it's a warriors game...they're all trash lol.
  15. as an outsider looking in, absolutely shocked how close this ended up being. above all else, USA seems to have an education problem (or not, depending on your interests). how this much of a country can be susceptible to misinformation and propaganda tactics is beyond me. the intelligence of the average american will be the reason that USA will eventually go from a global superpower to probably being a second world country.
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TICn16U-rI
  17. Got Hades finally. Wish I didn’t wait so long. This game is fantastic. Tbh I was hesitant cause I wasn’t very impressed with their previous games. But the controls on this are so tight and the art style is phenomenal. The gameplay loop is a perfect length too. been jumping back into MTGA a bit as well, rebuilt my monored for the new season. making my way through another Dark Souls run in prep for Demons Souls. otherwise just been flipping between random games, finally decided to take the plunge and get a new TV in prep for the PS5/new house where I’ll need more
  18. Game pass is great for people who don’t have much money.
  19. Looks solid. I’m glad they made it bigger. Sony definitely has the worst controller of the big 3. PS4 was built like junk and felt awful compared to Switch Pro Controllers and Xbox controllers. All the previous versions were way too small.
  20. Coincidentally yeah. Closing on my place in November. Going from a one bedroom apartment to a four bedroom house with a finished basement. Gonna be glorious. Couple weeks after PS5 though so not sure where I’ll store it in the meantime, might just get a short term storage unit rental.
  21. I'd probably be going xbox on this one tbh. It's not getting a next gen patch anytime soon, so at launch it should be best on X since PS4 Pro kinda sucks.
  22. So will the back catalogue be on gamepass soon? I’ve been wanting to play some Skyrim, haven’t tried it since I got my pc. Hopefully they add special edition.
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