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Everything posted by Casual

  1. Yep. I still think we get similar jumps, but they're not necessarily in areas that you can see in a 1080p30fps Youtube trailer.
  2. yeah they could be done. if you lowered the res less stable performance longer loading times slightly less bells and whistles. i mean, witcher 3 was done on switch. doesn't mean it's not better on PC. for people that have spent 15 years posting on video game forums some of ya'll haven't really caught on to how this shit works yet lmao.
  3. First 48 is the only cop show that’s enjoyable.
  4. This game started off really strong but just lost steam for me after like 10-15. Never finished. Wouldn't expect much more from a game that launches day one on a welfare service.
  5. I hope so. Bloodborne at 60fps?? 120fps????? 144fps???????? Without frame pacing problems?
  6. Xbox One is always silent cause there's no reason to turn it on.
  7. Good. Don't need 2 full years of consoles being held back by last gen versions.
  8. I liked PSO on GC a lot but everything I hear about this says it sucks.
  9. Eh, I dunno if FF7 set the bar that high. The longer the game went on the less impressed I was with the combat. Agreed that the MMO combat isn't great though, from what I remember of the original.
  10. Yeah, it's not very good. Like you said, very poorly built. It's okay ergonomically. Better than the previous iterations built for baby hands.
  11. i mean it clearly looks like shit from that video. oh well. most overrated jrpg of the last 20 years. i remember people made a petition to get this to the west...no idea why.
  12. I hate weab shit and it was fine. Gameplay and character building mechanics far outweigh it
  13. I unno, all the evidence says that’s just wrong. Look at the spikes the dumbo red states are seeing after opening up or people protesting. It’s still a safety risk and on top of that it puts a huge strain on the healthcare system. There’s people that need beds in hospitals more than Karen needs to get a haircut. Social distancing might be manageable in some places but the reality is people are stupid. People can’t even follow arrows and stay 6 feet apart at a grocery store. States are going to open though and it’s just gonna prolong the whole thing.
  14. Eh I kinda feel the opposite I guess. The linear level design wasn’t offensive to me. Maybe I expected it, but the Midgar section in FF7 was every bit as linear, I dunno how you ditch that while keeping the story mostly faithful (the main plot points at least). I do agree on the loading times but at the same time these are old and underpowered consoles. to me the side quests were just awful. Some of the worst side quests in a game. Not to mention just really out of place considering what you’re stopping to do relative to the magnitude of the main story points. Like yeah let’s just h
  15. Long term sure but I guess to me, the people who are in this position (getting more from unemployment than work) have such a bleak long term picture regardless. I mean statistically the people doing minimum wage jobs are unlikely to get meaningfully beyond that in their careers. I can’t even imagine the stress that comes with having an underpaying job living check to check with massive debt when you know it’s likely only getting worse. on top of that people in these jobs generally have less means to destress. They obviously lack money and usually being low income means spending mor
  16. FF7 was really dragged down by the padding. If it was closer to 15 hours it could be a solid 9-10.
  17. Maybe because race has nothing to do with this but Christianity promotes hatred?
  18. Yeah for sure. I started posting on gamespot when I was like 12, crazy to think about. Familiarity for me too. Also there’s just not many places like this left on the internet.
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