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Everything posted by Casual

  1. I’m at the part in FF7 where you seemingly can’t turn back. They just told me there’s a bunch of new side quests I can do before I start the last bit. Are these any more worth doing than the rest of them have been? Cause right now I’m thinking about saying fuck it.
  2. Lol what kind of idiot would willingly go back to work to make less money in any situation. Let alone a pandemic. That’s not being lazy that’s being fucking smart. The stupid part is being able to work full time in what claims to be a first world country and make that little amount of money. Smh at people that make these types of arguments who aren’t business owners lmao. Which side are you on? Corporations have somehow convinced a bunch of idiots that it’s “lazy” to not want to spend your life working like a peasant for pathetic wages that are barely enough to survive while compa
  3. It looks pretty but seems kinda bad. Combat looked awful imo. Maybe they just did a poor job explaining and displaying it but seems like a lot of QTE type stuff. Hopefully I’m wrong but if not whatever. Had this game pegged as bad as soon as I heard the name sucker punch. To be fair I did the same with horizon and that turned out great.
  4. i only have 4k posts, math doesnt add up.
  5. 500k of those are aza reposting resetera threads and 700k are one of the three resident autists shitposting.
  6. Can't say I'm a fan of that, but we'll see how it plays out.
  7. This looks great. Perfect studio for it too.
  8. From Tony Hawk himself. Apparently being revealed here in 8 minutes:
  9. Yeah it'll never not be this way especially when marketing is done through screenshots and compressed 30fps youtube videos. if you want 60fps consistently you get a pc.
  10. Successful Diablo II weekend. Got my Sorc up through Hell Meph, did some Andy/Meph runs, hit 85 and found Occy, Shako and War Travs. Also jumped back into FF7, hadn't played in a couple weeks...did some cross dressing with Cloud, Wall Market is great.
  11. Yeah it looks okay but let’s be real that shits gonna come out and be like 72 on metacritic like all the other Xbox games that “looked cool”.
  12. Lmao you’d think they’d have learned their lesson from the XB1 reveals.
  13. ubisoft is the worst big dev in the industry. it was expected.
  14. Well, safe to say Microsoft is out of the game lol. XB1 is a complete failure and this is your first showcase of games for the XSX? Why even bother having this presentation tbh...especially during this pandemic, people would understand if you just didn't do anything....
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