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Everything posted by Casual

  1. Man microsoft really sucks these days lol.
  2. Focused on their partners and not their internal studios so at least we'll probably see some good games.
  3. dunno who this guy is but people seem to take him seriously.
  4. Yeah my diet and sleep have been mostly fantastic throughout all this. I'm drinking a bit more out of boredom but that's about it.
  5. For sure. I work from home one day a week right now but would ideally like to do 2-3 days from home and 2-3 in the office, depending on the week. Even the one day was something I was only eligible and approved for because I have a strong track record of performance reviews. It's an uphill battle for a lot of reasons...government ie. tax dollars involved so people like to know that they're getting their 8 hours a day worth and they seem to think WFH means you must not be working. Truthfully they're not wrong, I definitely have tons of downtime...thing is I have plenty of downtime i
  6. It's gonna suck when this is over though. I've gotten so used to WFH and there's been zero issues so it's going to be even harder to swallow the fact that I have to waste time in my day commuting and sitting in an office jsut because some old people want butts in seats and can't use computers.
  7. oh no all the fragile virgins are going to dislike a video.
  8. Yep. Usually I'm so indecisive and overwhelmed by the amount of games I could be playing in my limited time...I get to the point where I spend more time deciding what to play than actually playing. Now I'm just playing fuckin everything though...juggling like 6 games at a time and progressing in all of them.
  9. Yeah, honestly sometime I just sleep on the floor just because that's one of the only places I can manage to fall asleep with a good posture. I've always had trouble sleeping which leads to me doing a lot of tossing and turning and falling asleep in a pretty bad position (usually on my stomach). Fetail position with a pillow between the legs is also a solid one, especially when the pain has flared up.
  10. Sucks bro, get that shit taken care of. My backs fucked, I've got 2 herniated discs myself. That combined with having an office job where I sit 8 hours a day is a bad recipe. I get regular sharp/annoying pains and maybe a few times a year I get absolutely brutal sciatica that will hang around for weeks at a time. When it's bad, it's fucking bad...gets to the point where my commute literally takes twice as much time because my walking is so slow. Going from sitting to standing just becomes agonizing and I basically need to spend minutes stretching it out and stabilizing before I ca
  11. Depends. I usually only watch streams and stuff at work, but usually I only watch poker streams. I like to check out streams for games that I'm on the fence about. One of the easiest ways for me to identify whether or not I'll like a game.
  12. for sure. that battle was weird and really just not either of their best performances but Calicoe definitely got him lol. not sure if you've seen him vs. danny myers but it's hilarious. context for anyone else...Danny myers is a more street/gunbar rapper who has 10 kids. He also allegedly paid a big name battler $12k to battle him and has had a history of opponents backing out on him last minute (mostly a result of him just booking battles with absolutely anyone at anytime).Which Pat absolutely goes in on...
  13. Classic but we all know B Rabbit fucking lost.
  14. Yeah great battle. Suge's another guy that's gotten a lot better in the later years imo. He's almost the perfect target for Pat in a lot of way but definitely held his own. He's also Shaq's favourite battler lol.
  15. Calicoe is my absolute favourite tbh. He's so direct but just absolutely great at rapping and has the best stage presence and just overall image out of everyone. My favourite is probably his first round vs. Roc. All good picks for sure though. Like you said, Serius is a vet and he's had some better battles recently since coming back. Pat Stay is great, I've seen him live so many times and similar to Calicoe he just knows how to control a room. His third against Charron is one of my favourite examples. A lot of people used
  16. I've been jumping back and forth between a few things. My buddy grabbed the Splatoon 2 demo yesterday so I played a bunch of games with him...hadn't played in quite a while so it took some getting used to but I was back on top of those charts soon enough. Man I love that game. The music and art is so good. Funnily enough this is a friend that moved to Australia a few years back...usually when we try to play stuff on PS4 it ends with one of us just having unmanageable lag...Splatoon 2 is the first game that's been fine. Also jumped into MTG Arena. I went down a YouTube
  17. Royce is so nice. This is probably my favourite track off the album.
  18. Back with another classsssic list. I doubt there's anyone here that engages in man poetry but I'll try to post some videos for anyone interested. Not gonna do this one in order since it's super subjective so lets just get right into it with a bit of a precursor. I'm mostly covering the modern format of battle rap, though many of these guys have participated in multiple eras. There's a number of era's of battle rap...but the main ones that resulted in what we have today would probably be the Scribblejam era, WRCs era, and the current written format. Many people consider the modern w
  19. how you gonna agree with liquid swords but then wonder why wu tang is high
  20. Shit my bad. #2 Fugees - The Score Ready or Not is probably my favorite song tbh but this whole album is perfect to me. Concise but littered with classic tracks, some good skits, grimey beats an the styles all compliment each other really well. #1 Nas - Illmatic Not much to say on this one. Goat album.
  21. Oh for sure. I mean it's probably mostly incels who have never really had relationships with girls right? It's more personalized stuff so these dudes get tricked into thinking the person cares about them/it could potentially turn into something more. Same reason dudes fall in love with backpage hookers/strippers right? edit: yeah you basically nailed it above already lol.
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