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Everything posted by Casual

  1. The setting is cool and intriguing but it's Ubisoft so the game will suck.
  2. If I could make 15k a month sitting at home taking pics for some incels on the internet I'd do it too. Can't hate.
  3. i got a perfect score on flash flash revolution once.
  4. XB1 is easily the worst console ever put out by a big player. Wii U is close but even that had a couple nintendo exclusives.
  5. lol, "Even though some of the team members are Christians and don't agree with the message". Oh no this game goes against my fairy tale superstitions. Imagine actively practicing and believing in religion in 2020 lmao. Working at ND would suck though I'm sure.
  6. Yeah that was the smart thing to do. I actually almost bailed on my preorder by my buds bought it so I decided to jump in. I basically just played Resogun for a few months. The nice thing about PS5 will be that it just completely replaces the PS4 and then gives me at least PS4 Pro level performance out of my existing games (which I don't have right now), so it would at least provide value without using up extra space.
  7. TLOU2 I'll almost certainly get. Though with that release date I might just wait till PS5 is out, assuming it gets improvements which I feel like it will.
  8. Then again if PS5 is full BC and has upgrades for PS4 games I'll probably just get it at launch. It's not like I'll realistically hold out long enough for a meaningful price drop anyway. I skipped PS4 Pro and I'm still rocking my launch unit so if it's just a matter of me getting rid of that and replacing it with the PS5 entirely I'll bite.
  9. imagine being this much of a virgin lmao I'll get a PS5 when there's a game out that justifies it. I bought PS4 at launch but in retrospect wouldn't bother, especially with a PC. Bloodborne was the game that justified that purchase. ND has always been meh to me, since PS3 at least. TLOU was great, Uncharted series sucks though.
  10. Tbh I could do without the side quest portions of FF7. They just feel like filler at this point. The games long enough, would be fine without me having to kill bitchass bottom of the food chain monsters for some school children.
  11. yeah...botw is getting closer but the rest are a stretch.
  12. https://rpgamer.com/2020/04/rpgamers-rpgs-of-the-decade-introduction/ Tier 3: Assassin's Creed Odyssey Atelier Ayesha: The Alchemist of Dusk Atelier Totori: The Adventurer of Arland Bloodborne Child of Light Diablo 3 Divinity: Original Sin 2 Dragon Quest Builders 2 Fallout 4 Final Fantasy XV Fire Emblem: Shadows of Valentia Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Pokemon Black & White Pokemon Sun & Moon Radiant History (and Perfect Chronology) SaGa Scarlet Grace: Ambitions Trails in the Sky Trails of Cold S
  13. "Im in love with this game" - Jordan Jayner "I absolutely adore the character design" -Aferalsunflower "Amazingly and awesomely fun" -JPSHRACERGAMINg Dynamite I guess your quote didn't make it into the top 5?
  14. Hmm, yeah I'd definitely want one that allows you to split the screen as opposed to black bars since a lot of the games I play I want a browser window open for one reason or another. Guess this seems to be the rub too. Definitely hear you on the 60hz. I could concede a bit more on the HDR side and 1440p I'd be fine with. Like you said though even that market doesn't seem too big when it comes to reasonable pricing. Hopefully something that changes soonish though.
  15. Anyone here using an UW as opposed to multiple monitors? I think it looks much slicker from an aesthetic point of view but I've never actually used one in practice...how well does it work? My use cases for it would basically be working, poker, and gaming. Gaming is the only one I'm really wondering about, how does it handle having a fullscreen game on one side of the screen? Or do you mostly have to start using windowed mode to get it to work well? At a point does it basically treat each side (or third, i guess?) of the screen as its own monitor?
  16. Sweet top 10. Was somewhat surprised to see StarCraft at 2! Awesome choice though. I should play through the remaster, messed around with the multiplayer but never went through the story on it. God of War is well deserving of being the top game from this generation. Something I want to play through again once the PS5 is out, assuming it gets an upgrade patch of sorts.
  17. Great start to the top 10. Nice to see diablo getting love around here, hopefully we get d2hd soon... I could never get into sotc tbh. I got halfway through the remake and just fell off it. I really enjoyed ico though, tbh that probably should have made my top 50 but I didn’t even think about it.
  18. Yeah, super unfortunate situation all around. I think Canadians in general are in more of a regional bubble than a lot of Americans. Seems like there's more Americans that are concerned with the country as a whole whereas most Canadians seem more concerned with their direct area. Being in Toronto, the majority of the country might as well not even exist when it comes to news/day to day conversation.
  19. My main hope for the world maker is to get groups of similar types of levels. My big issue with Mario Maker was how hard it was to consistently find level types I want. Granted, that's probably my fault. I almost exclusively want to play levels that are more "traditional" but harder. Whenever I'd jump in I'd find you get 90% lame autoscroll/speedrun levels, music levels, themed stuff, or things that just generally sucked. I know there's lots of creators out there making levels that I want to play, this should give them a way to package them up nicely. I just hope ninten
  20. alonf with a ton of new power ups and enemies. even a smb2 powerup that lets you stand on and pickup enemies. the world maker will be a game changer.
  21. Have you guys ever gone to Mixer (lol, probably not) and checked out their "partner spotlight". lmao no wonder that platform failed. https://mixer.com/
  22. Never seen those tbh. They regional? Options are a bit limited up here in terms of brands.
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