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Everything posted by Casual

  1. #39 Pokemon Snap Probably the biggest outlier on my list but I fucking loved it tbh. I still remember buying it, for some reason my grandparents randomly decided to buy me a game and I picked this one. Seems like such a terrible concept on the surface but it worked so well for me and is still the best Pokemon game to ever be made. It was extremely short but ended up having quite a bit of replayability. I'd go through the levels over and over again maximizing the number of Pokemon I could get good pictures of. Took me a while to find out how to get a
  2. ah it's cool man, this is system wars after all. i know not everyone is gonna agree, i like the opinions!
  3. Not sure if it's "better". For me it hit a specific purpose of being a podcast game lol. I found the single player mode to be an ideal setup for a racer...pretty linear working your way through the classes with lots of cool races to hit in each place. I haven't played all the Forza's after that but the ones I did I felt like they sacrificed the tight single player experience for multiplayer. I never really enjoyed the multiplayer in these types of racers. Horizon is a bit of a different beast so I'm not including that.
  4. I've been really impressed by what I've played so far. I mean it's kinda odd that Cloud is fighting fucking rats but I guess they contextualize it a bit. Midgar itself is a joy to explore, game looks great and the music is just fantastic. Makes me wonder why Square can't do this with the new FFs, but I guess it helps when you have a solid base and are pressured to live up to the colossal expectations.
  5. yeah tbh pc would be cool but wouldn't get me to play again. would have to be switch.
  6. https://www.resetera.com/threads/persona-5-listed-for-pc-on-amazon-france.185481/
  7. Just wait till you see the other 39 games that are above it
  8. Damn. Can't wait to not play it there either.
  9. One of these is still to come. One i think isn't very good. One I unfortunately haven't played. Huh, the second one was actually good eh? I should try to track a copy down.
  10. Spoken like someone who never played Baiten Kaitos. though ill admit if i wasn't so lttp on MGS it likely ends much higher on the list.
  11. One of the better games that not many people have played for sure. I never played the sequel but heard that it didn't quite live up to the first. Wouldn't mind seeing them take a stab at another one, though the name probably doesn't hold enough weight for them to bother...maybe a spiritual successor.
  12. #44 Metal Gear Solid This is one of the rare ones that I played extremely after the fact but still made the list. I never had a PS1 growing up...I had played it here and there at friends but not the best way to appreciate a story driven game obviously. I finally got around to playing this as a PS1 Classic on my PS3 and I finished it in about two sittings. Even that many years later it was one of the best executed stealth games I'd ever played, and while the story was pretty wacky it was still interesting and kept me engaged. It made me fall in love with the
  13. Minor FF7 spoiler if you've been on a complete content blackout I guess
  14. I respect the #2 choice! My #2 is one that problaby isn't what most would traditionally consider a "#2 favourite game" either.
  15. #47 Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Not my favourite FROM game by any means, and it lacked a lot of the exploration aspects that made me fall in love with the Souls, but for me they absolutely nailed the combat and while I prefer the character building/world exploration aspect of Souls, it was nice to be able to just focus on the combat and not fuss over whether or not I'm building my character right or if I missed any obscure secret in the previous zone. Some of the hardest but most rewarding boss fights I've faced, which was really apparent on subsequent playth
  16. Yeah. One thing I realized when putting my list together was how dominated it was by certain platforms. But that's because it's a list based on MY top games, not the games that I objectively think are the best of all time. Tried to be pretty honest on that end. Until I was like 10 or so the games I played were mostly what my parents ended up getting me for Christmas/Birthdays. From 10-14 I was a bit more "in the loop" so I'd ask for specific things, but I was still mostly just getting a couple games a year and then renting a handful more. At that point I generally had my own money though so I
  17. Yeah, in retrospect the hype of a 3D DK blinded me from a lot of the failures of the game. Also, being young and having near infinite time to play made the bloat a bit more tolerable.
  18. I never said the games would all be good. You're in for a ride.
  19. #50 Super Mario RPG Bringing up the rear, I think this is the first JRPG I ever actually played any decent amount of. At the time I didn't realize the significance of Nintendo working with Square on an RPG starring Mario, but I'm glad they did it because without Mario on the cover I doubt I'd have ever got this game. This put Square and JRPGs on my radar and was the main reason I'd end up playing FFVI and Chrono Trigger. I remember it not clicking with me right away, I was still pretty much playing sidescrollers and sports games at this point in my life. Onc
  20. It might be. Tune into the next episode of Dragonball Z to see.
  21. Yeah, Illmatic #1 is pretty undebatable
  22. Yeah I feel you. Mine will flip flop a lot but I figure it's close enough. Most of the 20-50 range is pretty interchangeable within 5-10 spots depending I'd say.
  23. Honorable Mentions I ended up with a list of 56 but wanted to cut it to 50. These are the ones that were just on the outside. Who would have thought a game based on one of the worst cars of all time could be so good. I don't even know how this game came to be, I assume it was some sort of promotional tool at the time, but I wasn't really in the loop of game development at that point in my life. For some reason it caught my eye at Jumbo Video and I rented it. Turns out it was fucking dope and I ended up buying a used copy shortly after. This game had
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