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Everything posted by Casual

  1. Sup guys. Me and some buddies were talking about what our favourite games of all time were and I was trying to put together my top 10. Had to do some googling of the main platforms I've played through my life to jog my memory and before I knew it I was sitting on a list of 50-60 games. So since I'm sitting at home doing fuck all, and have this list ready, I might as well post them. So I figure I'll post a handful a day (along with some reasoning), haven't decided on how many, until we arrive at #1. Comment on the games, shit on my taste, whatever works. Figure I'll add some balance to Jim and
  2. Pulled the trigger on FF7. Only did the first chapter and a bit last night, games great though. Love what they've done with the music so far.
  3. I'm digging it man. Some of the skills definitely need some tuning but god damn the gunplay is great. Like you said, 1.6. The AWP feels perfect.
  4. If we're considering Souls games to be traditional JRPGs now then DeS, DS and DS2 are the three best JRPGs of last gen. Vesperia and LO are both way better than Ni No Kuni though. Ni No Kuni is the in the same trash tier as Eternal Sonata. Also Symphonia > Vesperia.
  5. Is the gameplay good though? I ain't about to care about a story in a video game.
  6. Dope. Hopefully it turns out as good as the 2nd. Top 10-20 game of all time.
  7. apparently there's another episode coming friday!?
  8. Nah im not some 300lbs lemming who sweats profusely and eats cheetos for hours straight while gaming.
  9. One thing I don't like is it looks like there's a few pretty deep lines separating the colours. Dust/dead skin will definitely get in there.
  10. yeah my bad i was reading the reset thread at the same time. people in there talking about using the touchpad for dynamic buttons and shit.
  11. lmao unless you chain smoke in your home or are just dirty in general it doesn't really matter. i say make all the controller white so we can tell who the nasty people are.
  12. Shape looks similar to the Switch Pro controller which is nice.
  13. You guys are dreaming with some of the features you want. The controller that comes with the console will always be relatively budget. They're not going to make a decent controller if it forces them to raise the price of the box by anything significant.
  14. Lightbar and touchpad are back? Guess it'll be another cheap piece of plastic. Looks fine ergonomically though.
  15. Played 4 matches today. It's fun, gonna take me a while to get used to the abilities and stuff but they're doing a lot of good things. Gunplay is very similar to 1.6, movement too. Map design seems solid and everything contrasts really well. 128 tick and the game performs really well.
  16. ToV is top notch. One of the better JRPGs from that gen.
  17. Halo multiplayer is so slow by today’s standards. Playing the MCC on PC was jarring.
  18. NOA has the absolute worst sales in the industry. I don’t think I’ve ever bought something and thought I was getting a deal on a Nintendo platform.
  19. Hahaha, I don't have much confidence in it. But it's at least someone trying to make a game that's what I want.
  20. Managed to get an invite. Was disappointed to find it doesn't start till Tuesday. I'd take a sick day but I'm working from home anyway. Probably play some CS this weekend to get in the zone.
  21. hahaha, i only wish i grew up in BC. onterrible leaves a lot to be desired.
  22. Dude, ignore absolutely everything I just said, I'm an idiot lol. Was confusing him with Peter Jackson who grew up in my area and has a somewhat similar look/niche. far less successful. (im from the toronto area)
  23. lmao. classic merk, guys from a couple towns over from where i grew up. the fact that he's found a niche in the rap game is impressive tbh. actually funny that where he's from is probably the meth capital of this area, and if there was ever a tiger king in the area it'd be there.
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