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Everything posted by Casual

  1. probably stick away from a 3070, 8gb is gonna fuck you. 4070 would be the aim, 1440p you're safe for the future with that.
  2. the only thing stupid is this take. again, if an easy mode exists are you stupid for not choosing it? this is no different. it's meant for people with handicaps and shit.
  3. I mean they're really just an assist mode. They're meant to break the game. They're the equivalent of an "easy mode". So just don't use them. Would you play the game on easy? If not then why use these.
  4. no, i have a pc. even if starfield ends up good, im not playing it at 30fps lol
  5. Show was alright. Would have liked to see some more games that were coming out anytime soon. New atlus game was the highlight.
  6. Kinda took the weekend off TOTK, was putting a ton of time into it so nice to refresh a bit, just been grinding D4 but I'm about done with that now. I can't say I'm disappointed with it, cause my expectations were low from the beta, but it's hard to not feel letdown. Gonna get back to TOTK today but also impulse bought SF6. I suck at fighters but always nice to have one I can jump into here and there. The tutorials are super well done and some of the new characters seem cool. Mostly been playing Ken but gonna fuck around and try to find something to main today. I still suck at char
  7. the end game is just such a mobile level treadmill. incredibly disappointing. the gameplay just also feels so slow at a point, only exception being whenever everything is off cooldown. also as much as the spell effects are cool, they feel so reserved in scope. ice shards for example, the core skill of an endgame build and it feels like you're flicking miniature snowflakes at people. things like Frozen Orb/Blizzard that have direct comparables from D2 just look so much less powerful when you use them in D4.
  8. ah yeah forgot about that franchise
  9. i mean tbf it's also the first game they launched on consoles and pc same day. it would be a travesty if it wasn't.
  10. There's gonna be cases where you want to store stuff. Could be for a secondary build that you swap between. Could be because you want to use the aspect on the item but don't need to now. and yeah, the stash is shared so you can give shit to other characters.
  11. My thoguhts: Level 58 now, just doing nightmare dungeons (~tier 13-15 depending on the key I have available. Pretty mixed on the game overall....the action stuff is great, the rpg stuff is not. Good stuff: -Moment to moment action is awesome -Looks and sounds fantastic -Aspects are fun to get initially from dungeons and a cool way to augment gear -Being able to skip the campaign and having renown/lilith statues carry to alts is nice -World itself is cool and well designed -Decent variety of end game activities, though Nightmare dungeons do kinda feel much more opti
  12. I doubt they even position this for gaming. Probably more lifestyle/experience/fitness type shit. It'll suck like all the other VR shit regardless.
  13. might be the worst value in gaming. shit looks like a $2 itch.io bundle from 2015.
  14. ill check it out and then go back to good arpgs.
  15. The medallions make this game such a joy to play. Freedom feels like it gets cranked to 11 once you get them. No risk in trying dumb jumps or worrying if you can actually make it where you need to go. Don’t have to think about that 5 minute climb back to where you were. Just set that medallion and give it a go.
  16. Awesome man! Showing up is half the battle. on the barbell squats, you don’t really want the bar to rest on your shoulders, should be down a little bit on the (very) upper back. That’s makes it more comfortable. I usually do squats first so sometimes I keep my hoodie on to get the sweat going, definitely makes it more comfortable. Towel wrapped around the bar helps too. and yep, it sucks being at a busy gym. The only time mine isn’t packed is from like 7-11am. After that you get the lunch crowd, then the after school crowd, then the after work crowd which is the absolute wo
  17. Not sure where you're getting that idea from The reality is Bungie probably didnt say it wasn't good. They probably said it's not the type of game that is gonna survive and make the type of money Sony wants in the crowded GaaS with fickle ADD gamers. GaaS is a sink or swim space where only a handful of games manage to swim, and not necessarily cause they're good games. all this says to me is that sony is trend chasing and looking to capitalize on loot boxes, season passes, etc...things that generally make games worse.
  18. yeah do the 4070. hell, 3080 12gb would be better than the 4060.
  19. I just cook tbh. Better food, more flexible, not paying a premium
  20. I think this is the best single player game I've ever played. Top 5 for sure. I'm pretty far behind you guys I think. Finally started to do some more main quest stuff, I did like 50 shrines before I got the auto build shit. Definitely would have benefited from getting that earlier but ah well, headed to get my shrine finder now. I know you can also get something that allows you to set a warp point anywhere, need to find that eventually. Still only done the one temple, but I think I need to do the zora one to get to a few areas I've had my eyes on. My map is littered wit
  21. looks great. i wouldn't trust them to do much but a straight remake without kojima. at least they're remaking the good MGS. wouldn't mind a MGS1 remake.
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