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Everything posted by Casual

  1. yeah. tbh i found it pretty easy that way too, but it's a lot more fun because you become so invested in your students and you don't want to lose them. the game does get a bit harder after the
  2. i was proably gonna hold off till PS5 anyhow
  3. Haven't had an issue in Toronto. Three grocery stores in my area and they've all been stocked fine when I go there. The first week or so the canned goods aisles were pretty bare and toilet paper/cleaning supplies were a bit hit and miss but otherwise you wouldn't know the difference. Think a large part of it is that all those stores serve people who live in condos/small spaces. No ones got space to store all that shit. Still try not to go too often, and we got a decent amount of pasta/frozen stuff if shit really went down.
  4. I think I’m done with animal crossing tbh. Everything is just such a chore and the game really seems to want you to min max. I’ve never really got into an animal crossing before but I always thought of them as pretty relaxed and at your own pace. The first few days of this there were things you felt like you needed to do or you’d get behind, but I assumed that would stop once the town got setup. At this point I’m convinced it doesn’t. I was getting a lot of enjoyment out of the loop and feel like I could continue to but not when I feel like I’m required to adhere to a schedule. Al
  5. Truly great multiplayer games are the hardest thing to make for gaming. There's just so many moving parts that go into a solid multiplayer mode with longevity. There's a reason why there's only a couple handfuls of them over the past 20 years.
  6. Well l mean Activision in particular won't give a damn about losing those players because they have another game that meets their exact needs. For Fortnite. The thing is the BR audience is absolutely massive, and they have that audience locked up. The deathmatch audience is smaller (im guessing at least, obviously no numbers there...but even if it isn't....) and is already captured by other games (CoD, BF, Halo, etc). Why would you dedicate resources to making a mode that isn't even the popular thing right now when it's unlikely to be better to what's already out there and likely
  7. Alright well to start I misinterpreted what you meant by modes. I thought you meant something other than BR, not just different sizes. That said... There's 30 million right now. It's still fresh and people are in a quarantine. How will that look 2-3 years down the road? On top of that, adding a couple more players might seem like nothing but it does change the map balance quite a bit...they balanced it around people playing in groups of three. I haven't personally played enough of it to judge but most people seem to be saying that the solo mode isn't good as a result. I
  8. Man id buy the shit out of it if it was on switch. I do have an itch for a weab RPG....never did that second fire emblem playthrough, perhaps it's time.
  9. Yeah, main reason i don't like limit tbh. You get people chasing everything and then when you do have a hand that can punish you're unable to do so because of the limit. I get the appeal, it's closer to straight up gambling and you're capped on what your potential losses are.
  10. Because their bread and butter is the battle royale and it's generally much easier to focus on having one great mode over multiple. Also helps reduce matchmaking time since you don't have people scattered over a bunch of different modes. Honestly I can't think of a great long lasting multiplayer game that had more than one mode they really took seriously. It's actually one place where I think Nintendo had a decent idea when they made the Splatoon 2 modes only available at certain times. Shit execution though.
  11. That actually sounds like a pain for them to track depending on the amount of tables. I bet it works out well for them though, probably gets people to open their range quite a bit and chase hands.
  12. Man that league sounds like so much fun. Would love to be in something like that. I feel like as long as there's something at stake the money involved doesn't matter too muhc, you're still getting competition and people who are going to play seriously. $400 is a nice bonus for any high hand too. I think most of the bonuses around here are only for bad beats and it's usually some ridiculous requirement like losing quads or straight flush.
  13. Yep! Mostly cash games and smaller sit n gos. I'd like to hop into some of the bigger tournaments but it's just too likely to get interrupted by work calls/urgent requests. I agree 100% about the live poker but unfortunately don't have any games around here to go to (especially not now). I had a really solid house game I used to go to almost every weekend but most of the regulars just got to the point where they couldn't make it consistently so now we're lucky to get a game every other month. I also moved so it's a bit of a drive when it does happen. The closest casino only has lim
  14. Been getting back into poker quite a bit. My jobs slow right now but I do generally have to be at my computer most hours from 9-5 so it works out pretty well. Splitting that time pretty equally between studying and playing, I've always wanted to get my poker abilities to the point where it could provide a reliable and noteworthy supplemental income. I've been too off and on with it in the past to reach that point though, my jobs not really demanding but just being at an office 9-5 sucks so much mental energy out of me that most nights I don't have the motivation. Also works since
  15. i wish i could shave my head man but its got a weird shape and id probably look like a skinhead. that's my favourite part of this whole thing, not having to do my hair/shave. ive always kept my beard fairly short and with clean lines but im just letting the shit do it's thing for the next however many months.
  16. I think theres a compromise to be had on the camera. Agreed that it definitely adds to the game in certain ways and the game would be fundamentally different. Adding a completely modernized camera might even force them to make other changes. Maybe you could include both kinda like how Halo remastered has options to revert back to the old graphics on the fly.
  17. Man, SM64 remastered with SMO level assets though. My god, if they did that + modernized the camera I'd probably play it for months straight.
  18. Just seems like a lot of work and if they were doing that I feel like they would be focused solely on that and it would be a standalone full price game, which would be warranted. if it's truly all of these games, I'm expecting more of a Super Mario All Stars type bundle with little to no changes. I'd still be thrilled, but I would rather them bundle the Wii/Wii U games and then give SM64 the RE2 treatment.
  19. Downside of this is that it kinda indicates Nintendo has a pretty light year otherwise.
  20. I don't buy the 64 or Sunshine rumours tbh. Would absolutely love to see it but I think there's a lot more involved with those. SM64 would need to be much more of a remake than a remaster for it to work well, Sunshine less so but I just think it probably isn't worth it from their point of view, being the black sheep of the group. Galaxy and 3DW are no brainer easy ports though. Hope I get proven wrong on SM64 though. Would fill a big hole that SMO left imo.
  21. yeah the backgrounds and stuff are all pretty low quality. big contrast from the voice acting which is actually decent. game fucking owns though and it's not like the genre is really reliant on graphics so whatever.
  22. Joe exotic might be the most interesting man in the world. It's like if Kid rock and Riff Raff had a gay son. I'm only on episode 5 but i hope this ends with a season 2 or him being somewhere else on TV.
  23. ah man those all look pretty sweet. might have to try and order a couple of them, this thing isn't ending anytime soon. and board games are awesome man, i just wish it was easier to get a group together to play. i have so many that just sit there collecting dust. not nearly as many as you though. scared to get too many more since they do take up quite a bit of space...
  24. It's just the two of us so options are a bit limited. Our go-to's lately have been Carcassone, Hive, Pandemic, and Lost Cities. Hive and Lost Cities are good for short bursts, can get a bunch of games in really fast. Carcassone is a bit more of a commitment. What's your go-tos?
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