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Everything posted by Casual

  1. smh. man i work at a fucking technology company and these people can't figure out how a microphone works. we have a pretty lame approach to work from home, one day a week with approval and very few in the company get the approval. luckily I have it, but i was hoping that this whole situation would show the company that people can do their jobs just fine from home. it's government and there's lots of old people at the executive level so they really like those butts in seats. well, their ideas are basically just being reinforced because of how stupid half this
  2. Nothing really. Working from home and so is the wife so it's a bit cramped in here. Trying to get out for walks or sit on the balcony when we can but the weather is still a little crap up here and it's a busy area so not the best idea to be out all that often. Filling the day with video/board games. Drinking and smoking more than I planned to. I thought this was a good opportunity to cut drinking for a couple months but I was too bored after the first week. Been doing some pretty frequent video calls with buds just to keep in touch and get some other human contact in.
  3. Hopefully this turns out better than Octopath did.
  4. cause there's nothing good in it.
  5. Game is dope. Been having a lot of fun, perfect for the circumstances.
  6. I've got a PC. Only thing that matters on consoles is exclusives
  7. Not bad. So we got 93.... -5 because it's half life and gabe made them wait 13 years so they wanted it more -5 because it's valve and the same reasons -10 because it's the first passable VR game so expectations are lower Sounds like we got a solid 73 if it were a real game boys.
  8. Yeah and 12 of those people are autistic
  9. Looks like a solid console. Too hard to justify it though when MS has 0 good exclusives. Multiplats may be better for like a year before PC catches up again. I'll probably just stick with PC+PS5. Too hard to argue against that combo.
  10. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/n7jkd7/animal-crossing-new-horizons-review-building-community-nook-miles-coronavirus Apparently this is a colonialism simulator.
  11. a collection of menial tasks but you do them in a video game. i dunno, tbh past entries never caught on for me.
  12. https://www.metacritic.com/game/switch/animal-crossing-new-horizons?ref=hp
  13. Never thought I'd see the day. Sounds solid so far, can't wait to hear the proper version tomorrow.
  14. Yeah, demo really changed my mind tbh. I'm replaying FF7 on the Switch right now as a result. Just got to Temple of the Ancients.
  15. Yeah fair point. Probably a lot of things out there that are otherwise manageable and maybe not noticeable to outsiders (diabetes for example). My work still hasn't closed, which is kinda embarrassing since Im in the healthcare industry.
  16. Lol that Nets team is gonna be ass. KD won't be himself and Kyrie is a cancer to every team he goes to as well as being injury prone. 4th-6th place in the East and a first round knockout. Golden State should be good though.
  17. I'd imagine a lot of guys will end up with it. Too much interaction. I mean Serge Ibaka is out here kissing the ball that Gobert touches after every free throw. Just the ripple effect will result in a good portion of the league contracting it. The players at least won't be at much risk since they're probably among the healthiest people out there. Except Embiid, that dude might die
  18. Just a reminder that the Raps remain the reigning champs. But man, this really sucks ngl. I hope we get to see the season through at some point, even if they have to condense the rest of the regular season.
  19. I mean, the review I watched was a dude who said he spent 2 hours on the character creator. I'm gonna hit random and have at it. Not sure if I'll grab this Friday or not though, might wait on a PC release/discount. Still got lots to play and this is something I'd want to focus on till it's done.
  20. guys please keep this topic limited to sports that don't suck, thanks.
  21. Gonna be their last chance this year since the Clippers are gonna stomp them in the playoffs.
  22. The praise should go there, but realistically the average consumer who doesn't spend their days reading online forums doesn't really give a shit who the studio is. In their minds, Halo is an Xbox game and TLOU is a Playstation game. Agreed on the architecture, and even more so this upcoming gen. But there's a clear distinction in the polish and quality of an exclusive vs. a multiplat. I know that correlation != causation and a lot of that is due to the fact that first party studios tend to be of higher quality than your average team making a game for Ubisoft. Some of it is a resul
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