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Everything posted by Casual

  1. Hopefully Bloodborne is next so someone can fix the frame pacing.
  2. I will say, while I think having everything platform agnostic is a net win for the consumer, there is value in exclusives.From a platform sales/image perspective it certainly adds incentive for a dev/publisher to go above and beyond and nail it with an exclusive. Knowing the exact specs and parameters you're designing something for can also be beneficial, though with the way consoles ecosystems are designed these days that advantage is slowly disappearing. There's a reason that exclusive games tend to find their way into the best games of each generation while making up a relative
  3. I don't get why that even applies to HZD? There's no PS+ functionality. Resetera has some of the stupidest people to grace the internet.
  4. Dope. Game is great, one of my favourite this gen, the DLC is fantastic. Gonna look great on PC. Can't say it's something I'd want to replay. Hope this continues, would love to only need a PC and Switch next gen.
  5. celtics, don't make me laugh. bucks maybe, we'll see if Giannis caves under pressure and starts air balling free throws again. Regular season Bud can't hang with COTY big dick nick. Otherwise, injuries are the only concern. Most man games lost to injuries by far this year, but they're getting healthy again, should have a full lineup available by next week.
  6. This Coronavirus better not get in the way of the Raps repeat.
  7. Yeah think I'm done with Battle Royales. Escape From Tarkov gives me all the tension and enjoyment that a Battle Royale does but with a persistent long term goal and superior gameplay.
  8. too bad it's a blackberry lmao.
  9. I've been moving away from the beer tbh. Too many damn calories to have it part of my nightly routine. Nowadays I'll hit the vape and enjoy some scotch. Laphroiag Quarter Cask is my go to.
  10. I gotta replay it, I know I missed a lot when I played. Think they’ve released some DLC since too. Probably a top 5-10 of the gen for me.
  11. Yeah...though it's almost unfair with their budget lol.
  12. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/last-us-series-works-at-hbo-chernobyl-creator-1282707 Could be cool.
  13. Metroid prime is better than anything to touch the PS4 tbh. Unless you like weaboo trash. PS2 is lucky it secured that year late RE4 downgrade at least.
  14. As great as PS2 was, it was more consistency and quantity. GameCube and Xbox both had better peaks imo. Smaller libraries obviously but both had a handful of games that surpassed what PS2 got. GameCube more so.
  15. Yeah I’ve got the demo. Tbh I’ve started it a couple times and it hasn’t grabbed me yet. I know it will if I give it time. I’ve done a lot of more exploration based metroidvanias this gen though, so Bloodstained was more because it’s more action focused.
  16. Interesting. Though they keep using the word content when talking about it being identical... might have to look into it though, great game just not one I see myself finishing sitting at a PC.
  17. I actually thought the demo was really solid. I’m not a big FF7 fan but they really nailed the atmosphere, even if it was really short. The music is great as expected. Has anyone done an analysis on the differences? A lot of the dialogue is stuff I didn’t remember from the original? I thought the combat was fun too, how close is this to FFXV? Might have to give that game a whirl, think the full thing is on game pass now.
  18. This is a game that’d be cool for a switch release. Wouldn’t touch it on mobile though. Speaking of Switch, does anyone know if Bloodstained is still a bag of shit on it?
  19. nah, counter strike is the best part of all the games.
  20. Where's that "Look ma, no hands" meme from HL2's release.
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