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Everything posted by Casual

  1. So this won't actually play in first person right?
  2. https://mobile.twitter.com/MLB_PR/status/1204219506253451264/photo/1
  3. nah MPT is coming before MP4. MP4 getting delayed is the only reason we don't have it.
  4. I hope we get an HD pack of both Galaxy's at some point. Would like to replay both of them...had some much more challenging spots that Odyssey lacked. Short of a full on SM64 remake it's probably the Mario rerelease I'd want most.
  5. depends waht you mean by gaming i guess. onboard video and 8gb ram gonna limit you pretty hard.
  6. Pretty okay list considering it's just based on ratings. Some ones that stand out as out of place: 1) Galaxy 2 being #1 just seems weird for some reason. I know its a great game it's just not what I think of when you say game of the decade... 2) StarCraft II. Great game and had a good couple of years but just never had the longevity that the original did and it died pretty quick for anyone not interested competitive...which wasn't that many people. Not its fault I guess, MOBAs took over that space. 3) Bioshock Infiiite and Arkham City are both just not that great games th
  7. Yikes. Between this and TGAs it's gonna be a bad week for the lems. Ending the year just like we started.
  8. Been thinking about this lately with all the talk of VR/Streaming future, and although I think those things are much further off than some people believe, when they're finally here I don't think I'll even care. I realized just how big of a library I already have access to... -Basically everything from the pre-PS2 era can be loaded and played off of a $50 Raspberry Pi. -Most of the stuff from GC/PS2/Xbox/360/Wii/PS3 are easy to play, either in their original form or as an HD Remaster/Remake (of which most of the really good games already have received or are in the works)
  9. Horizon 2 and Demon's Souls would convince me to buy at launch tbh.
  10. i mean the gameplay all looks like shit, so it makes plenty of sense. don't release games just cause you developed them, that's how disasters like crackdown 3 happen.
  11. Counting only games that I actually intend on finishing? Fire Emblem - I'm just past the timeskip, gotta get back in the groove. I also want to do another playthrough tbh, but i think ill wait for the dlc. Divinity:OS2 - Maybe about 20 hours into this one, it's getting most of my gaming time right now. RE2 Remake - tbh I'll probably just start this one over. it's short enough. might tackle it over christmas. DQXI - Another one I'm maybe 20 hours into. Mostly something I chip away at while I have something else going in the background. Not sure if I'll ever finish it
  12. Can't wait to check some of these out. Been getting back into MM2 lately. I still find it hard to find decent, challenging levels that aren't some gimmicky speedruns but i've found some gems here and there. i find the sweet spot is levels that are tagged as traditional and have a 3-5% clear rate.
  13. smh what a waste. dualshock 4 build quality is fucking awful and it's probably because the stupid trackpad cut into the budget. when was the last time someone made anything more than a small revision to traditional controllers and it was actually worth it?
  14. https://ca.ign.com/articles/2019/12/05/game-of-the-year-2019-best-games-award-goty Resident Evil 2 Remake Slay the Spire Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Outer Wilds Fire Emblem Three Houses Disco Elysium Control Pokemon Sword/Shield The Outer Worlds The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening Remake Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
  15. yeah the one that everyone will automatically omit from their matchmaking preferences lol. 343 sucks dude, get over it. MS sent Halo to die with a bunch of amateurs.
  16. Halo is still popular. 343 Halo just isn't. It says something that this many people signed on to play Bungie's absolute worst Halo but that Halo 5 is completely dead lmao. If Infinite was made by Bungie or any halfway competent dev it might have a chance. But at least now we have a good version of Halo that's playable on modern hardware.
  17. i hope switch gets P4G tbh. never played that one. don't think ill be double dipping on this.
  18. Definitely better than the N64 from a quantity perspective. N64 had the best games of the gen though.
  19. I can see positives on both sides tbh. Kids are a lot of time and effort and I’m already at the point where I feel like I don’t have a ton of either left and I don’t even work a particularly rough schedule...basically 9-520 M-F every day including commute. Then there’s a certain freedom that I feel like I’d miss having with kids in the picture, both financially and decision making. Right now we’re at the point where we can make discretionary purchases or go on last minute trips that won’t be possible with kids in the picture. Lucky enough that even with kids it wouldn’t be
  20. Lol. Yeah, hardly anyone having dev kits less than a year before launch. Sounds like a great strategy for a company who’s biggest issue the past generation was a lack of games. Sony must be shook right now.
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