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Everything posted by Casual

  1. Also, even if it worse than those games...both those games would be GOTY had they come out in 2019 lol. cant wait for elden ring to be GOTY 2020. From
  2. Lmao bunch of people ITT need to get good.
  3. Man Baby Yoda really giving me anxiety everytime he's on screen im expecting him to get kidnapped or sniped.
  4. yeah ive heard the complaints about the balancing. when i played DS2 originally it was on PS3 though, so when i said it was ass i was more referring to it running at 12fps.
  5. Just reminding everyone since it came out a while ago now. Fire Emblem a close second.
  6. Man DOS2 is fantastic. Can't believe I waited this long to play it....been addicted since it all clicked for me. Bad for the backlog.
  7. not everyone tbh. there's a really vocal part of the community that loves DS2, mostly for the PvP. but the version of DS2 that came out in 2014 was ass. i never bothered playing until SotFS was out. 2014 sucked.
  8. Yeah probably grab this soonish myself. My backlog is pretty big right now though and it's all long games. Mandalorian definitely has me in a Star Wars mood though.
  9. Cool, so you agree that VR will remain a gimmicky side project for the forseeable future?
  10. I said it exceeded low expectations. It''s a respectable number nothing more. Certainly nowhere near enough for it to be prioritized which is what needs to happen for it to become worthwhile. And I didn't realize those were the type of games we were talking about. I thought we were talking about actual full experiences tailored towards taking full advantage of VR. Not half assed VR shoehorned into a dumbed down version of a non-VR game. At least you're not delusional with your expectations then.
  11. Sure it's a huge success because the expectations were low. If you'e a triple A developer trying to recoup a huge budget game are you gonna want to sell it to a 5 million base or a 120 million base? VR won't be prioritized until it's included in every console sold. Until then it's glorified minigames and the odd bite sized full experience/spinoff.
  12. He's right. VR will remain niche for the next gen. The big AAA blockbusters will remain focused on the non-VR experience. The biggest games you'll see in VR are spinoffs from second rate devs like HL:A.
  13. tbh there's no genre i hate THAT much. visual novels realyl but i don't even consider those games. jrpgs have to be superb for me to pay attention. anything anime based really.
  14. I’m 9-5. Most days I get there closer to 930 though. Also make sure to do all my errands or appointments during working hours. My commute is only 15-20 minutes now thankfully so I’m usually out the door around 9 and back in by 5-515. I commuted from the burbs 90 minutes each way (On a good day where there’s no delays) for 5 years and it was life changing when I moved downtown. Well worth the money.
  15. I grabbed DOS2 on sale. The game is dope so far but I constantly feel like I’m doing everything wrong. I went for a traditionalish, diverse RPG party...couple casters couple melee, that seems like it was a bad move cause of how armour functions. Oh well. Gonna yolo it for a bit and maybe restart after a while.
  16. VR won't be the standard for at least a couple gens. Still too restrictive and expensive. 10+ years minimum before it's the main way to consume the medium.
  17. Looks alright. Not alright enough for me to spend $1200 on a piece of hardware that has nothing else worth playing though.
  18. https://www.resetera.com/threads/resetera-moderation-staff-is-fucking-up-beyond-belief-on-lgbt-issues.153951/ JFC.
  19. Possibly the most overrated dev ever. At least they gave us the engine that resulted in the best, most timeless multiplayer shooter of all time.
  20. Infinite was poop. ALBW and TLOU for me.
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