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Everything posted by Casual

  1. Yeah maybe that's more accurate. There's still some solid episodes in the next few seasons...just skimming through them on the app. In my head I thiougt it was more consistently good at that point though.
  2. Got the trial. Will watch the first 10-12 seasons of The Simpsons and then cancel.
  3. I don’t wear a poppy either, they’re cheaply made pieces of shit these days. besides, all the WW2 vets are basically dead now anyway. And I don’t really give much of a shit about the current troops, they’re just a bunch of guys who chose to go into what’s a pretty cushy job all things considered. Plenty of Canadians working worse jobs than them. They get fantastic benefits and pensions. The government should cut their funding if anything and spend it on stuff that would actually improve the country long term ie. infrastructure and education. I understand you need a standing
  4. Yeah my bad. I just meant that I probably can’t go without a switch at this point and I’m surprised how much I use it in handheld so I might just do that and hope it lasts until a Switch 2 is out.
  5. Had a long ass flight to Indonesia so i ended up getting the full version of DQXI. I’m digging it, definitely hitting that traditional JRPG itch. I’ve actually never played a Dragon Quest before but the gameplay loop is satisfying so far. Nice to just zone out to as the grinding is pretty mindless.
  6. Eh doesn’t really read like an MMO to me. then again some people considered guild wars 1 an MMO
  7. Further details from the panel: Non liner campaign Shared open world, 5 regions 100s of dungeons 100s of legendaries Will be 5 classes at launch Game takes place 20 years after d3 Developed for PC and consoles simultaneously Wants to keep effects in check to keep "dark" atmosphere Sometimes evil wins, can't save everyone like aldrick from d1 Past features from previous Diablo coming back - campfire from d2, etc Barb will have 4 wep slots, can use two and 1 handed weps at the same time You can see weps to skill slots and they wi
  8. Digging the look. Though I hope that's not the only thing inspired from D2. They need to bring the itemization over too. The loop of D3 got boring quick.
  9. My bad that’s with layovers. Think it’s like 27 in the air across three. yeah I’ve been digging dqxi, started a bit slow. Just finished the demo.
  10. Eh sometimes, sometimes not. I go through phases...some months I play whenever I have the opportunity, other months my stuff collects dust. I tend to play more in the Summer when there's no good sports on...most nights right now I'm watching ball.
  11. Debating if I should grab this today or not. Leaving for a couple weeks but gonna have a couple 37 hour flights. Problem is I kinda think this game deserves the TV. Maybe I'll get DQXI instead and grab this when I'm home.
  12. Skyrim Dark Souls Witcher 2 Binding of Isaac Portal 2
  13. 81 meta. mix of 6-7's with some 9-10s from Kojima stans bringing the average up.
  14. Yeah i still dunno which way this is gonna go. Could be 90s on metacritic, could be 70s. I'll hold out for the PC version if it turns out critically acclaimed. Don't really trust reviewers when it comes to Kojima games. Hasn't made a good game since MGS3.
  15. yeah would be hard to ignore that if i used them more regularly. luckily once im at work i have an amp/dac setup at my laptop so i have no real need for anything else. my biggest gripe with the airpods currently is the lack of noise cancellation, especially because im on a busy subway/street for 90% of my commute. that would probably be the selling feature for me on the airpod pros. the beats pros look nice though. the case was a bit of a turnoff for me though, the airpods are so compact and just fit right in my back pocket without noticing they're there, which is nice
  16. my original ones are still going fairly strong. i only use them on my commute really, which is 20 minutes each way, so the battery isn't as big a concern. when it gets time to upgrade i'll likely go with the pros though.
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