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Everything posted by Casual

  1. Lmao ps5 is doing fine and switch just crossed 140m. Consoles are fine if they’re not managed by incompetent mouth breathers.
  2. Lmao ps5 is doing fine and switch just crossed 140m. Consoles are fine if they’re not managed by incompetent mouth breathers.
  3. Hades 2 is fantastic so far, as expected. They've made a bunch of subtle changes that really impact the way you play, much more emphasis on charged up/special/cast attacks. Some of the changes to progression seem fun too, the card/augment system in particular. also been fucking around with some older games, doing some PS2 emulation and some NSO stuff. Decided to start playing some OoT, ended up blasting through it in a few days. Weirdly, as much as I love it, it's a game I've only finished a couple times and it's probably been like 20 years since the last time I played it to comple
  4. And you'll still have smoothbrain retards on this forum who will argue that this consolidation and gamepass is good for the industry lol.
  5. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6gdClArPXc/ 6:16 in LA dropped by kendrick this morning.
  6. GKMC is probably the greatest album of this "generation" of rap, imo. While Drake has a ton of amazing songs, he has very few good projects, imo. Most are bloated and inconsistent.
  7. some of yall are fuckin losers eh
  8. That was like 20 years ago. Diablo 2, WoW, Brood War are some of my favourite games of all time. This is a different company though. They're incapable of making those types of games. They're firmly c-tier now, honestly maybe lower.
  9. yeah i mean what's the point? how many other c-tier devs have their own conference? it made sense like 15 years ago when Blizzard was still decent.
  10. you want to go bowling cousin?
  11. Such a good game, goes a lot deeper than I'd ever expect given the premise.
  12. Yeah so I'm about 20 hours into the game and I'm definitely mixed on it. I think it does some really cool stuff, mostly with the pawns. - The recruiting of other peoples pawns as well as the benefits of having others recruit yours is well done - the idea that pawns will know directions to a quest/general information based on their experience in other worlds is super cool and does a lot to make the world feel alive. I like that they make the second/third pawns basically disposable - At a high level, I think they pull off the risk/reward of adventuring pretty well. You definite
  13. Circled back to Prince of Persia which I dropped at some point, maybe when FF came out, I forget. Anyway, game is awesome - I just started over since I wasn't terribly far in anyway. Think I'm about halfway through now - just a very well made Metroidvania but where it really shines is the movement, the loadout you get is great and everything is super snappy - leads to some amazing platforming sections.
  14. ign reviewer was probalby one of those trannies that MS casts in their commercials.
  15. https://www.gamespot.com/reviews/stellar-blade-review-nier-as-it-can-get/1900-6418215/ 8. Currently 83 meta after 50 reviews.
  16. Went to see Civil War. Thought it was great - I had only briefly watched a trailer so not sure if this had already been covered, but I thought the perspective it was told from was really cool.
  17. Been playing a ton of season 9 of Project Diablo 2. One of the best fan made mods I can think of and it's really been gaining steam the last few seasons, probably more players online than D2R. They've done a great job expanding on the original game - added a ton of items/crafting, bunch of end game content, some new mechanics (corrupting probably being the big one) and really increasing the build variety by buffing some less powerful abilities. They also do a good job of shifting the meta every season.
  18. You guys sure are arguing a lot over some 72 metacritic barely game.
  19. Why don't you get a Zune?
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