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Everything posted by Casual

  1. cooke has sausage every night for desert.
  2. Nope, enjoy meat too much, dairy too. Tbh it's something that appeals to me on a few levels but i just don't like enough of the food required to make it work. Also a decent level of inconvenience involved. Your point about intelligence is kinda irrelevant, meat might have played a vital part in evolution that got us to be the most intelligent species but an individual choosing to eat vegan isn't going to become stupid suddenly.
  3. ill do a bit more looking into it but it came off as pretty generic and the music ive heard in the videos ive seen isn't nearly on par with bloodstained. i ignore story/lore in 99% of games I play so i will take your word for it.
  4. looks like a far less polished version from what ive seen tbh.
  5. Thanks for the input guys. Didn't realize it was on GP so probably download it there. Might take Hot Sauce's advice and start with SotN though.
  6. Seems like it's got some pretty decent reviews and I don't have a Metroidvania on the go so I was thinking of picking that up. SotN is also an option since I've actually never played that, but I hear the PS4 port ain't all that?
  7. 2010 kinda sucked. Super Meat Boy Mass Effect 2 Super Mario Galaxy 2 Red Dead Redemption StarCraft II I'd probably go with Mass Effect 2, StarCraft II being a close runner up and Super Meat Boy in third. That said, I didn't play RDR when it came out and although I played Galaxy I did so almost immediately after playing the first and I didn't last too long into it.
  8. I fell asleep towards the end of the third but the Clippers definitely looked better and more fun to watch as opposed to Lebron dribbling for 15 seconds then feeding AD in the post. Maybe Kuzma will help a bit. Dwight Howard looked terrible. Kawhi though. I could watch him pull up midrange all day.
  9. Forgot this was on Gamepass. I'll install it and check it out in that case.
  10. Might have to look into this a bit more. Seems like one of those games I'll want to like but then it turns out that the gameplay is just fucking trash and disappointing ala Fallout. Maybe it's more Mass Effect and less Fallout though.
  11. Yeah the legalized stuff up here is a joke too. High prices, no bulk discounts, and generally shitty weed. Couple good brands/strains but they’re almost always sold out. sucks because in Toronto we used to have a ton of dope dispensaries with quality stuff but now that it’s legal they’ve been getting shut down so that people are pushed to the government stuff. There’s still a decent amount of online places operating though. it somehow feels less legal now than it used to.
  12. I unno about those specific ones but yeah in my experience they're basically the same as edibles so if you're familiar with those you should have a rough idea of how many you would need to take. that seems like a pretty bad deal but i unno what prices are like down there. i usually grab a 200mg bag of candies for 22 bucks Canadian: https://www.motacannabisproducts.ca/shop/metrik-berry-bliss-thc-gummies/ Depending on what I'm doing I'd take 20-100mg at a time.
  13. the leagues got some problems, but most do. it's the superior sport with the best athletes. best mix of physical beasts combined with elements of finesse.
  14. Two trash sports, who cares? Ball is life with hockey being a distant second that I watch when the raps aren't playing and there's no other intriguing nba games.
  15. i try to mostly post from work these days...get my internet browsing done there so i can be more productive once im home. so tends to be PC. if i am browsing from home it'll be on my phone.
  16. “One of the best games of all time” lmfao.
  17. Man the sections leading up to and right after the time skip in Fire Emblem were amazing. Think I'm nearing the end now, just over 40 hours in and at the end of Chapter 14. The battles are actually getting tougher now too, been playing on Hard/Classic and haven't lost anyone up to this point but there might be a sacrifice or two before the end. It's so dope how all my students have developed and are now absolute units in their own way. I'm rolling with: Edelgard - My tank, basically nothing can touch her and she does decent damage. Felix - Focused him on swords, does massive d
  18. Tbh I’m already annoyed that my first play through of this was on the base PS4. I’m buying it again the next steam sale and experiencing the real version
  19. Casual

    Who saw Joker?

    I thought it was cool. I unno, didn’t blow me away but I’m not really a movie guy tbh. great acting
  20. Gonna be great. Luigis mansion for GameCube was awesome, the 3DS one was even better from what I played but I didn’t get far.
  21. Casual


    I mean, according to them it is... They don't even like white people doing motion capture for black characters...
  22. I usually have trouble jumping back into the middle of longer games which is why when I stop it means I rarely ever finish. But I'm already back addicted to Fire Emblem. Think I'm almost at the time skip.
  23. Casual


    Lmao. That place just becomes worse every day. Every time one of these types of threads (not just blackface...anything "racist" "sexist" "mysoginistic" etc) comes up it's like a fucking contest for who can have the most outraged response. It's a good thing that, based on the Off-Topic side, majority of the posters there either have zero employable skills or have such crippling self diagnosed anxiety/depression/etc. that they'll never have any influence in the world.
  24. Quebec City is a dump and the people are a bunch of bitter separatists so don't bother. Montreal is alright though. The old town is cool, it's got a great food and bar scene. Some cool hiking spots and that too (forget the name of the "mountain" but it's the only one so shouldn't be hard to find).
  25. Yeah. I didn’t mind it the first time but couldn’t do it a second. The wolf parts are kinda awful too tbh.
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