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Everything posted by Casual

  1. TP does some really great things. It's got some of the better dungeon settings (Snowpeak, Arbiters, etc). If it wasn't for it being such a slow start I'd play it again.
  2. Didn't realize people like Minish Cap that much. Need to get around to playing it. Wasn't a fan of Phanton Hourglass or Spirit Tracks. BotW really is hit or miss it seems...tiers for me: LttP OoT BotW MM TP LA ALBW Zelda II LoZ Ages Seasons WW SS ST PH i've actually never played minish cap! hopefully we get some GBA emulation on the switch.
  3. Yeah I wouldn’t put it above LttP but I do think it’s the best handheld one besides maybe ALBW. I’d probably stick it somewhere near the top 5 overall....OoT, BotW, LttP are the only ones I would definitely put above it. It’d be in the next tier with ALBW, MM and TP. So somewhere from 4-7 overall.
  4. Fine by me. Backlog is already massive lol.
  5. @-GD- Which path should I do for Edelgard iyo man? Did you finish both of them?
  6. I gotta do a playthrough before TLOU2. The Remastered version is so much better too.
  7. Just beat Links Awakening. Amazing. The last two dungeons were great, couldn’t put it down from the start of Eagles Nest. Definitely in my top 3 games of the year so far. Think I’ll go finish Fire Emblem up next. switch is on fire this year. Probably grab DQ after FE and then Luigis Mansion in October.
  8. New Danny Brown slaps as expected. These beats are flames.
  9. That's Link to the Past man! ALBW is the 3DS one in the same world.
  10. Yeah Microsoft Banjo doesn't exist as far as I'm concerned. Travesty.
  11. Actually tbh Crash is probably closest to a 3d version of DKC. Spyro is a collectathon through and through though.
  12. In quality? Yeah agreed. Mario 64 > Banjo Kazooie >>> Banjo Tooie >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Crash >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  13. Crash and Spyro are closer to Banjo rejects tbh.
  14. Yep. I hope they bring it to Switch, I'd like to play it again but I busted my 3DS out a few months again and can't go back.
  15. Gonna look nuts on PC but I dunno if I'll be able to play it again anytime soon. Maybe something I'll pick up on a sale in a couple years when it's not so fresh in my mind.
  16. trash game gets trash remake. surprise.
  17. Yeah there’s a few other things but that’s the main reward. looking forward to the last couple, every dungeon has been better than the last so far. The music in the Face dungeon was amazing.
  18. I didn’t even know that was a thing tbh. What point do they even give you that option? tbh I’m not sure I enjoy the Zelda combat itself enough to do hero mode though
  19. Hmm, I'll have to listen to those themes and see if they change my mind then. Up to the Face Dungeon in LA now. This game is so great, the pacing is perfect. Did the colour dungeon too so I'm pretty OP...debating whether I should go for that upgraded sword, I'll probably just use a guide if I do tbh, not super interested in digging around for seashells.
  20. Started the DQXI demo and it’s kinda cool but I gotta be honest the music is trash and that might stop me from playing it. Is it the same battle theme all game?
  21. this looked like shit from the jump, dunno why people expected it to be good.
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