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Everything posted by Casual

  1. Yeah, I'm digging the "linearity" of it tbh. There's been a couple puzzles that feel like they're a product of the time/limitations of the Gameboy but otherwise it stands up incredibly well.
  2. Started Zelda tonight, got halfway through the second dungeon. Amazing so far.
  3. 48 in WoW now. The 40-60 zones are my favourite...Tanaris, Feralas, Winterspring, WPL, EPL, Searing Gorge, STV, Felwood. Top tier shit. Might take a break to get through Links Awakening.
  4. Sucks dude. I worked in kitchens during high school/some parts of college, never again. The hours are terrible too, can't have any QOL at that point.
  5. Up to 36 in Classic WoW. I expect to have a hell of a backlog when i'm done with this lol.
  6. https://ca.ign.com/articles/2019/09/09/blasphemous-review 7
  7. https://www.pcgamer.com/borderlands-3-review/ 63 @ PC Gamer. Seems like more of the same so I'll skip. Never liked the first two, the characters/humor are shit and the world is meh. Never found the loot aspect compelling, they throw too much shit at you and none of it stands out.
  8. im convinced this dude is just saying all this shit and then when the time is right he'll release a book or something and all those guys will buy it to support him* *to prove to the other losers on their that they are PC.
  9. so does that mean he can't claim to be gay since he ain't a dude. they* the resetera thread is...a thread
  10. They said not to expect more than a couple minutes of Pokemon. 40 minute direct.
  11. Damn, same day as the Gears 5 review embargo...lemmings bout to have a shit week.
  12. Casual

    Wow Classic

    Was away for the weekend but hit 20 last night and go Deadmines done.
  13. Stay safe GD! And anyone else who is out that way!
  14. i unno. i found wire addicting from the first episode. i binged the entire thing in less than a month. but im not a pathetic racist loser like you so mileage may vary
  15. lmao. "nothing happens to any of the characters" "i turned it off after 1 season". The Wire is literally one of the only shows where the vast majority of characters had their storylines completely tied up by the end in ways that make complete sense.
  16. Lol this is a forum full of anime kids and guys who think that Heavy Rain is the watermark of storytelling. About the only thing they get right media wise is the fact that The Wire is the goat.
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