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Everything posted by Casual

  1. Casual

    Wow Classic

    We decided to just switch servers to something that was actually playable. Got a good session in last night, made it to 11.5 and cleared out the first area. Kept it classic and made my NE Rogue like I played in Vanilla. Think that was my first time going through their starting zones since, surprised just how much I remember. Game is still fantastic. I forgot how absolutely useless stealth is early on though haha, so slow and can't sneak up on anything. Especially when the server is crowded and you're fighting for mobs. I'm debating if I want to level as Assassination (like I did
  2. Casual

    Wow Classic

    It's certainly not for everyone. From a core gameplay perspective, most MMOs are subpar. I originally got hooked on WoW for the community aspect I think. It's the only game I've ever played where I truly got the sense that you're apart of something larger. When I first started playing everything felt so foreign and mysterious. The world is absolutely huge and the variety in the zones/dungeons/raids felt incredible. Seeing hundreds or thousands of other people at any given point in time and knowing that these are all actual people, some of whom you end up working with and becoming
  3. Casual

    Wow Classic

    It's a tough thing to solve unfortunately. It's a balancing act between letting people in on day one but not risking the servers being dead two months down the line. Vanilla WoW is very much dependent on having a relatively active server and MMOs tend to have a big spike at the beginning and then gradually lose people (could be even worse for something like this where you get a lot of people coming back for nostalgias sake with no intention of continuing playing).
  4. Casual

    Wow Classic

    Yep. What server is that on?
  5. Casual

    Wow Classic

    Yeah, depends what you're going for I guess. It's insane now, but this kind of stuff is also part of the allure of MMOs. There's definitely a balance between completely empty and what you see in those screens. Things start to get a lot better around level 10 since that's when you're out of the first zone and your options open up quite a bit. I'm anticipating tonight to be a lot better, and by next week it will probably hit that sweet point.
  6. Casual

    Wow Classic

    Servers were absolutely rammed last night. Like 25k+ queues on most servers. They even opened 8 news servers throughout the night and those hit queues of 5-10k. And then obviously the people that did get in are all in the starting zones, competing for the same mobs. This line is for one of the named mobs you need to kill...waiting for respawns.
  7. Casual

    Wow Classic

    First day, once people start separating/aren't all playing at the same time it'll be fine. Top 3 game of all time.
  8. Yep, pretty much. No real notable changes and they're going to be releasing the content in a similar order to when it originally debuted. Obviously less bugs and all that as they'll be basic it off of one of the later patches.
  9. Yeah WoW was the natural progression from D2 to me. You made the right decision, I thought I was addicted to D2 but it was not anywhere near the time/life sink that WoW became. I think W3 is 2019 but no specific date. I can see them delaying it if the WoW launch is successful as it looks like it will be.
  10. Yeah the time factor is definitely something that made me think twice, but honestly classic is probably the best version from a casual persepctive too. I feel like there's more meaningful content for a casual player than any of the xpacs had. It's the only version where the leveling content is a significant part of the game. Tbh I doubt I get far into the PvE anyway. I did the progression guild thing all through Vanilla and have seen everything up to Four Horseman anyhow (as a Rogue). I just can't schedule my life around raids these days unfortunately. Luckily, MC/BWL/Ony will all
  11. eh i don't think it's going to be hard this time around. it was hard because it was a lot of peoples first mmo. the best thing about classic is that it truly feels like an mmo. there's a sense of and importance to the community.
  12. lmao. yep i got a couple people that never played back in the day. i didn't have time for two characters back then, certainly don't now. it sucks cause i would like to play with everyone but it's just not in the cards. gonna go with the group i actually played Vanilla with back in the day. Noticed that Blizzard set up some forums for you to find people you used to play with, went on the Bleeding Hollow Alliance thread and it was a trip of nostalgia.
  13. what better thing you got to do with your time cooke?
  14. We're going the fuck home. Can't lie, I was trying to pretend I wouldn't bite on this for the last month or so but I absolutely am. Top 3 game of all time for me. Seems like everyone is coming back. The servers are all overpopulated and that doesn't even include all the people yet to sub. I've been getting texts all weekend from people I haven't talked to in years asking if I'm coming back. Kinda wish I had taken some time off work but I'm not trying to be in the thick of things anyhow. Plan is to just casually level up and enjoy it, kinda like how I played Vanilla in the first pla
  15. Nintendo coming with banger after banger. Too bad they're up against Classic
  16. Hmm. I definitely have to check one of these out. I've actually never played Total War despite liking the genre. I think I'll watch some videos on both...from your descriptions I think I'd probably dig 3 Kingdoms more but they both seem appealing. Maybe I'll just nab whichever is on sale first.
  17. Appreciate that dude! And yeah, it looks pretty awesome. I was wondering why I didn't see it on Steam (the older ones appear to be there), but I guess it's a Ubi store thing!
  18. Cool. I'll look into those! Has anyone here played Anno 1800?
  19. yeah. it's a game i 100% understand the appeal of. i even watch TI most years. i think for me it's just daunting. i feel like it'll be 1000 hours before i even understand whats going on at a surface level. unfortunately it's one of those games that i just won't enjoy unless i'm good at it. i wish i had started playing back in the day and kept up as it evolved...seems like something that's just too hard to get into at this point if you're not already acclimated.
  20. i tried getting into dota2 a bunch of times but i just accepted that ill never be good at it.
  21. I caved and bought a laptop on a back to school sale. I've been trying to get back into online poker as a hobby/side hustle and needed something reliable and powerful enough to multitable + run HUDs and analytics. Unfortunately, I don't really have room right now for a desktop. Hopefully within the next couple years I will, so this is a bit of a stop gap in the meantime, but I'm pretty happy with the deal/specs. Supposed to show up Tuesday (which is conveniently the launch of classic WoW). Definitely gonna be jumping back into some CS, and I've been itching to replay W
  22. Yeah one of the things I'm struggling a bit with now is keeping people around the same level. It was easy before I started recruiting but now I have more people than slots. Hard to decide if I want to keep a balanced 12-14 rotation or just keep a core 9-10 at high levels.
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