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Everything posted by Casual

  1. I honestly think I might just jump into another playthrough with a different house as soon as im done lol.
  2. Fuck man I had a busy weekend and didn't get to put much time in. But I'm about to marathon some tonight cause lord am i fiendin
  3. Yeah System Wars is a good use case for why teenagers shouldn't have the internet. At least the dumb shit we did is pretty much untraceable, unlike kids today who are doing the same dumb shit but without anonymity and on platforms where the data isn't going anywhere. We thought we were fuckin brilliant too.
  4. Kinda glad the archive doesn't go all the way back lol. it'd probably just make me cringe...
  5. Got to go to the Iron Maiden show Saturday. Fuckin wicked live performance...I'd heard good things but man they kill it considering their age. Then my buddy from work scored some platinum tickets for Summerslam. Not really a wrestling guy but I watched it here and there as a kid, was cool seeing Goldberg and Trish Stratus is still a banger.
  6. Up to about 20 hours in Fire Emblem. Chapter 8 I think now. Recruited Mercedes and I've got Leonie, Felix and Lysithea at B Rank so just waiting for that to happen. Haven't really decided who I'll swap out yet other than Ferdinands bitchass.
  7. https://www.kbzk.com/montana-man-accused-of-assaulting-child-for-not-removing-hat-during-national-anthem lol perfect example of why you’ll never fix this type of shit in the states imagine being this angry that a kid didn’t stand up for a dumbass song lmao
  8. We can say that the problem is the lack of gun control itself. But the real problem is that the great USA has raised generations of weirdos who are absolutely infatuated with their guns. Everyone I've ever seen or heard defending guns ranges from societal misfit to outright pathetic. No other country that was having the same issues would see the same opposition to rectifying them. Hard to say what the cause is. Obviously mouth breathing retards breed mouth breathing retards so a lot of it just stems from that. When you have entire states where the culture can be summed
  9. Probably just seems that way because 75% of the screen is always full of UI elements whenever you're playing XB2.
  10. One of the best games of all time vs. some lame ass weaboo JRPG.
  11. It’s the best game I’ve played this year and it’s really not close. And this is a game that was a hard no for me as recent as like 2 days before release.
  12. The combat isn’t much different you’re right. They did change the Rock Paper Scissors mechanic that they used to have and added a few new mechanics but it’s still SRPG gameplay. That said, I bought awakening and put it down pretty quick. This is the first fire emblem to hook me. The persona elements enhance the combat indirectly for me, you feel like you’re really building a team as a result. I spend so much time planning out who will get a last hit (exp boost) and positioning them in certain ways to get better relationship boosts. Just burned through ano
  13. yep. and imagine he's still making subscriptions, donations, and other sponsorships on top of that lmao. he's streaming from lollapalooza right now...
  14. Yeah, same for me at this point. The crazy part is that everything I've read suggests that it just keeps getting better and better. Apparently it really hits its stride after ~40 hours when (fairly substantial spoiler)
  15. It's not even about being good tbh. You absolutely have to be good, but it's being a personality more than anything. Like sure, it sounds easy playing video games all day and collecting money but the reality is that he's playing Fortnite 12 hours a day and has to spend the entire time interacting with a bunch of 12 year olds in chat. The interaction part is far more important than the actual playing part, at least when it comes to separating yourself from the pack (which is necessary since it's a very top heavy thing...there's a small group of guys making bank and the
  16. You don't. Some people just choose to.
  17. Speculation is that they offered him at least 1-1.5m per month lol. Considerably smaller streamers were getting 7 figure type offers. Good for him. Now he can get his money without the anxiety of having to keep to a streaming schedule and maintain sub counts.
  18. damn. microsoft musta given that boy a BAGGGGGGG. would love to know how much they paid.
  19. Yeah I don’t remember the last time I was this hooked on a game tbh. I’m still playing it every chance I get and when I’m not I’m thinking on what skills/supports I’m gonna level on my next day off. Im at 12 hours in and I’ve done a couple resets either to replay a level or a day off. working on getting Mercedes over to my house right now.
  20. that was my intention but i might have to go for dorothea at this point. or both.
  21. Lol I just realized you can switch the starting positions of your units....
  22. hell ya. i have to talk to everyone on my days off, the bonding scenes are good too. what house did you guys all choose?
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