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Everything posted by Casual

  1. lol imagine somehow finding a worse offering than PES and going through with it. David Cage
  2. http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2019/07/celeste_creator_matt_thorson_shares_series_of_super_mario_maker_2_levels not at home right now but the ids are there. bonzai was the one i did.
  3. The dude that made Celeste created some levels. Only played a couple but they were really solid, tough too.
  4. whichever team Kawhi goes to are the early favourites. Everyone in the east that was a threat to Toronto got worse. Philly could be interesting depending how Horford gels. Gives them a bit of relief when Embiid is on the bench but they lose that guy that can just go get you a bucket. Scary defensively though. Bucks ownership are cheap fucks. Boston with Kemba could be interesting. If Kawhi is back on Toronto the east is theirs to lose. It will probably be the most balanced and competitive the league has been in a while either way.
  5. Damn this shit is dope. Never played the Wii U version. Surprised at how well made a lot of the courses are. The searching is kinda barebones but it gets the job done.
  6. Man watching people play versus on Twitch and the connection is terrible. These courses are taking like 10 minutes cause of lag lmao.
  7. Here and there. I tend to come in the office most days since I'm only ~15 minutes away anyhow and I have multiple monitors here which makes things more efficient (plus my company doesn't give a shit about using the internet anyhow). I don't think I'd want to do it every day but ideally i'd work from home 2-3 days a week. It's just better sometimes. Sleep a bit longer, work in comfortable clothes without distractions, got my own kitchen for making food/coffee, can get more errands done on lunch (gym/groceries), saves money on commuting, etc. I find I have more energy to
  8. seems pretty good. only complaints are the online which is expected for nintendo.
  9. Bah I gotta catch my dude up in time. Man the load times are bad in CTR. My fault for buying the Switch version, but the girls likes playing it and I only have one PS4 controller. It really isn’t impressive enough graphically compared to MK8 to justify the load times on top of running at 30.
  10. Grabbed CTR, pretty awesome. The Adventure mode adds so much to it. It's what makes it and DKR superior to Mario Kart. DKR needs a remake though...I think it had the best adventure mode.
  11. Toronto. I unno, it's a dope city to live in but I can't see why it'd be appealing to tourists. There's lots of great food from every culture though if that's your thing. Grab a cottage up north in the summer.
  12. Have you played Crypt? If you have..it's that but with amazing renditions of Zelda music (seriously, there's like 4-5 versions of some classic tracks) and a much higher production value + QoL stuff. If you haven't played Crypt it's a bit harder to explain. The gameplay takes a bit of getting used to but it works extremely well...really satisfying loop of clearing a couple screens, dying, upgrading, and then going back and getting a bit further. They also made it so if there's no enemies on screen you can now move at any pace you want (don't have to follow the beat) whi
  13. i think he'll stay, at least on a short term deal. but damn ill be sad if the man leaves lol.
  14. yeah i ended up grabbing it on ps4 for the same. might grab the switch vrsion at that price tbh.
  15. I was about to grab this but it was 30 bucks and they had Crypt on sale for $3. Wasn't convinced I'd enjoy the gameplay so decided to grab that first...I'll defintiely be getting Cadence when it's ~15.
  16. Fuck that was rough lol. Left my place at 515Am and have been standing in the same spot at the square since about 530. Didn’t have anything but a big bottle of Perrier, couldn’t even leave to take a piss. Not sure it it was worth it.
  17. Anyone going to the parade tomorrow? Think I’m gonna head to NPS at like 630. Told the boss not to expect me.
  18. playing games just with your brain? every xbox game will need a retard mode. Microsoft already got into the physical disability department so the foundation is there.
  19. Yes yes yes yes fuckkkk yes. I’m crying. This is amazing. I’m stuck in fucking shithole Ottawa for work instead of at my place and I’m pissed but I’m fucking ecstatic and I don’t god damn care let’s fucking goooo fuck yes nba champs kyle Lowry you beautiful son of a bitch
  20. Neither makes anything good so sure whatever.
  21. So apparently it’s 540p in handheld. 720 docked.
  22. i mean that's cool and all. good for the devs, it's quite a feat. but who the fuck would play this version lmao.
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